Walking Dead (spoiler!)

I added a spoiler warning to the title because the folks out in California haven't gotten a chance to see it yet! And for anyone who is recording it for later.

But yea :'(
I added a spoiler warning to the title because the folks out in California haven't gotten a chance to see it yet! And for anyone who is recording it for later.

But yea :'(
What is this California you speak of? Lewis and Clark have only made to the Cumberland Pass, last telegram we got. Thank you kindly, mysterious adventurer. (Didn't dawn on me. Kind of like when the solicitors call my house at 10:30 pm from there.) :eek: (By the way, it isn't a spoiler. IT IS DEVASTATING!)
I was a little worried when they told Maggie they were going to go get her back. :( RIP Beth. No one is safe...
This one did not surprise me. I started feeling like she was doomed when they developed her character this season. Still sad to see the originals go though. :(
I actually didn't see it coming, maybe that was naive lol. Right towards the end I was like "don't do anything stupid, Beth!" but the gunshot caught me by surprise. Everyone's face afterwards made me misty, I'll admit.
Am I the only one who has never watched a single episode of The Walking Dead?

During Talking Dead (first one I ever watched), Robert Kirkman (creator) said 'changed my mind' about killing Beth. Too much backlash and the poor actress was in tears on the couch about it. Even CH had to give her a hug. If they kill Maggie, I am done. :mad: I wanted to see who Darryl would hook up with, Carol or Beth? At least Carol has an AARP card.
At least Carol has an AARP card.

you crack me up - lol

glad the preacher finally grew a set too- but he REALLY did not KILL the walker, it fell on the blade, but still, at least he finally got some real blood on him :p he was a real cry baby in the basement :cool:
you crack me up - lol

glad the preacher finally grew a set too- but he REALLY did not KILL the walker, it fell on the blade, but still, at least he finally got some real blood on him :p he was a real cry baby in the basement :cool:

Hard for me to watch him play this character. He was such a bad@$$ in The Wire. Pretty soon the creators will start killing off viewers. :( Would have made for a great tv catfight (Carol vs Beth). I kinda wish they would have gone with their original plans for Darryl and made him gay. Compared to his brother, complete opposites. Complete b@d@$$ gay Darryl with a compound bow! :eek:
I don't watch it either, Chase. It's too scary!!

Not scary, actually. It is about the human nature vs nuture phenomenom, sort of. Can you remain humane, yet survive. The zombies are background. Took me being ubber bored, until I watched an episode like year two or three. I HATE ZOMBIE FLICKS! Once, I saw what it was about, I was kinda interested. Try it. Not the best thing on tv, but interesting to watch people change or not change in their views on humanity and what it should be. :D That said, I would kill anyone in 1/2 a second who tried to harm my kid or dog. Other than that, we good.
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