Wanna know what's funny, lol?


Going to Petco and listening to the Petco employee tell someone who is purchasing a chameleon, "You can't feed chameleons meal worms because they will bore through the stomach of the chameleon and kill them."

And the funnest thing to do is to argue with the Petco guy to try and convince him that what he is saying is not true.

And the best part is, since he has been promoted to 'master lizard poop cleaner' at his $8 an hour job, he is 100% convinced that he is an expert and completely correct on the matter, even after explaining to him that I have kept and bred chameleons for years, lol. :D
I would argue and say it's not funny and that it is quite sad that these employees don't know the least when it comes to these animals. Even people who've only been on here for a little while realize that the mealworm thing is a myth.

That is kind of funny though... Lizard poop master lol
I met a dude at a reptile show whose speciality was 'breeding panthers' and I mentioned about chiefs gular edema and he asked about my supplementing... I told him (which is the default schedule most of us use here) and he got all wide eyed and was 'ohhhh nooooo.... Stop using that D3 calcium!'

I played it off and got the heck out of there....
I was at an expo and i asked a guy who was holding a panther and i said hes really pretty, what locale and he says, its a chameleon. I tell him, i know hat locale is it. His answer, a pan-ther...(says it slowly). im just like wow. another time i asked to briefly hold someones panther and a guy who didnt even work at the table is like he must not know chameleons, people just hold them and hold them until they die. I wanted to say i may be 14 but i know a hell lot about chams and is should also mention the seller had two huge male panthers in one cage.
I would argue and say it's not funny and that it is quite sad that these employees don't know the least when it comes to these animals. Even people who've only been on here for a little while realize that the mealworm thing is a myth.

That is kind of funny though... Lizard poop master lol

Yeah, I agree. Not all people have/keep/breed chameleons just for the shear appreciation of them, some people use and abuse them as a means only to make a dime. - Not that there's anything wrong with breeding and selling, just that if you're breeding and selling, you should also be giving proper instructions for care, etc.

Even most of those who make a living from captive breeding and selling of cham's, take great pride in their animals and the destination of their animals.
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Yeah, I agree. Not all people have/keep/breed chameleons just for the shear appreciation of them, some people use and abuse them as a means only to make a dime. - Not that there's anything wrong with breeding and selling, just that if you're breeding and selling, you should also be giving proper instructions for care, etc.

Even most of those who make a living from captive breeding and selling of cham's, take great pride in their animals and the destination of their animals.

The dude that was consigning chief had some veilds all crammed into a cage. When I asked to hold one, he reached in the cage and grabbed one out grasping its back and belly. Made me cringe.... Whenever he would open the cage they would try to come out and he roughly would push them all back into their cage.... Very sad. :( chief was in one of those tiny plastic boxes (he was about 8 months-1 year old) and it made me so sad to see him in it. He was fired up red and yellow and as soon as he came out of the box he would immediately go back to his more mellow colors.
The dude that was consigning chief had some veilds all crammed into a cage. When I asked to hold one, he reached in the cage and grabbed one out grasping its back and belly. Made me cringe.... Whenever he would open the cage they would try to come out and he roughly would push them all back into their cage.... Very sad. :( chief was in one of those tiny plastic boxes (he was about 8 months-1 year old) and it made me so sad to see him in it. He was fired up red and yellow and as soon as he came out of the box he would immediately go back to his more mellow colors.

Thanks for the story.

I don't mean to be rude, but just a little suggesting - reading this was kind of confusing until I figured out the "Chief" is the name of your chameleon. It's always good to start out by introducing he/she by writing something like, "My male Veiled Chameleon, named Chief, ......." before telling the story, so that illiterate folks like me can figure out what in the world you're talking about :D;):)
I guess when I quote it doesn't show, but my signature shows who chief is....... Sometimes it shows up and sometimes it doesn't...
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I would argue and say it's not funny and that it is quite sad that these employees don't know the least when it comes to these animals. Even people who've only been on here for a little while realize that the mealworm thing is a myth.

That is kind of funny though... Lizard poop master lol

I've never heard the mealworm myth, but I have heard a similar one with superworms.... they are kind of big and creepy, but can superworms actually hurt my chameleon if I don't... ya know... crush their heads? :confused: Also, is there anything to look out for when feeding Iggy (my veiled) wax worms, because she loves them and I want to make sure they are good for her....
You don't need to crush the head of superworms to offer to them to your chameleon. While they can bite, it is not hard enough to really hurt your animal, especially not after they've bitten them and chewed them as they swallow.

Too many wax worms can make your chameleon chubby, but as long as they're offered in moderation, they're just fine. :)

Going to Petco and listening to the Petco employee tell someone who is purchasing a chameleon, "You can't feed chameleons meal worms because they will bore through the stomach of the chameleon and kill them."

That must be what caused my stomach ulcer. I guess I should chew them up first. :D
Going to Petco and listening to the Petco employee tell someone who is purchasing a chameleon, "You can't feed chameleons meal worms because they will bore through the stomach of the chameleon and kill them."

And the funnest thing to do is to argue with the Petco guy to try and convince him that what he is saying is not true.

And the best part is, since he has been promoted to 'master lizard poop cleaner' at his $8 an hour job, he is 100% convinced that he is an expert and completely correct on the matter, even after explaining to him that I have kept and bred chameleons for years, lol. :D
Met an exception to this at PetSmart yesterday. A young salesman maybe all of 20 years old waited on me and when I got talking about chameleons, he got all excited and said he was going to set up a viv soon but without chams until he was sure he got it the plants and humidity etc right.
The good part was he actually told me when customers would come in asking about buying a chameleon, he asked them all kinds of questions to see if they were up for it. Discouraged the ones that were not from buying.
He even said he followed one guy with his young kid around the store Guy was purchasing a cham for the kid ) and when he saw him buy one of those tiny cricket keepers to house him in he stopped him from leaving with the pet.
Cool guy!!!!! Much thanks to a pet store employee that REALLY cares.
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