Wanted to share my 11 month old Nosy Be...Ethos


New Member
Hes really turning into a great looking Nosy Be...His father is Vader...

Hope I uploaded the pic right:confused:


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Not all the time but sometimes:)...He seems to be turning more blue as he gets older. He has a forest green color as well as a sea green (usually when he is sleeping) color but more and more that blue is showing.

His blue reminds me of a cross between his sire-Vader and a Nosy Be Ive seen pics of named Greaseball-more of a dark blue than a powder blue...

I have his brother too and he is showing same colors.
Wow Kevin, Ethos is quite the looker. I love Nosy Be's, and have been preparing an outdoor enclosure awaiting a purchase this spring. I have been seeing Vader's last clutch all over the place. Here, and multiple places on facebook (both Panther Comp's site, and Vincent's). Then this week I saw their classified again here. UH OH!!!!! I got the wifey factor OK. DIY is on the way for the inside cooler months, and I'm waiting on pics of the remaining available boys. Ethos is going to have a brother in FL.
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