Wanting to go Bioactive


New Member
Any ideas where i can buy a complete setup/kit? Not plants as I’d get those myself, but basically the soil an what not.
It’d be going in my DragonStrand 2x2x4’ Highbrid Cage. Thanks guys!
The BioDude and Josh's Frogs both sell bioactive kits. If you have a hydroponics store near you, you can find some great organic mixes and then add your own isopods and leaf litter. That's where I picked up my substrate.
The guys at the store asked me what I was growing (they assumed it was some type of cannabis) you should have seen the looks on their faces when I told them it was for a bioactive chameleon enclosure. ???
The BioDude and Josh's Frogs both sell bioactive kits. If you have a hydroponics store near you, you can find some great organic mixes and then add your own isopods and leaf litter. That's where I picked up my substrate.
The guys at the store asked me what I was growing (they assumed it was some type of cannabis) you should have seen the looks on their faces when I told them it was for a bioactive chameleon enclosure. ???
why did they assume it was for weed when your just picking up some substrate??
I'm excited to see more and more people moving towards bioactive. I think it works really well for chameleons.

In terms of substrate:

Homemade: I have made my own in the past with this recipe: .
It works reasonably well, but I do think it may break down faster than the real ABG mix. The difference is that ABG mix uses Tree Fern Fiber which is supposed to last longer under moist conditions.

Pre-made ABG mix: https://www.joshsfrogs.com/abg-mix-4-quart-1-gallon.html

You can also find a recipe online for real ABG mix and make your own, I know they have a few options floating around on DendroBoard. Depending on how large of a vivarium you're planting it might be cheaper to mix your own substrate.
Also, if you're anywhere near Sacramento California, shoot me a message. I will give you a seeder culture of isopods and springtails, I have a million of them.

...Or rather, I'd set it on my porch at a predetermined time and let you pick it up so we don't accidentally spread COVID19 all over the place.
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