[Warning: Graphic Video] Horrible..

I swear I almost nearly threw up :mad:

How does any SANE person figure it's okay to feed a chameleon of all things to a freaking FROG?

I'm not saying a cham's life is any better than a frogs, but COME ON. What an f-ing idiot.

...Poor chammy.
Since this frog species is ground dwelling, I doubt that they would ever come into contact with a chameleon in the wild, even though chameleons may live in the same area.
I detect a note of irresponsible breeder with too many babies than they knew what to do with…

I am all about the circle of life and such…honestly if you really get down to it, thats no different than us feeding live bugs to our Chams or even live or frozen feeders to our snakes (I have a python that gets frozen rats), and we video that ALL the time. I bet most of the feeders that we give to our cham wouldn't ever be part of their wild diet either.

My objection isn't so much with the actual feeding, it's the fact that the only reason that guy fed that poor baby cham to that frog was he had no other responsible place to rehome it to. NO ONE feeds an animal a feeder thats worth more that $20, ain't gonna happen. Feeders are quickly bred and raised…I'm sure he was a backyard breeder who ended up with a crap ton of veiled expecting to make a bunch of money on them only to realize that's not the reality of the situation. That, IMHO, is the sick part of this whole video, irresponsible people who breed when they have no business doing so…

(yes I am rabid about this subject with cats, dogs, reptiles….)
I did not watch the video. But thank you for the warning. After I read your post I knew it was not something I wanted to see and had a feeling it was a chameleon. Glad I did not view it as it would have bothered me for sure.
I did not watch the video. But thank you for the warning. After I read your post I knew it was not something I wanted to see and had a feeling it was a chameleon. Glad I did not view it as it would have bothered me for sure.

You did the right thing. I might not be able to sleep tonight :( My baby cham looks just like the one being eaten in the video... nightmares are coming in my case. I just felt to share this so people can get a picture of how horrible breeders/keepers there actually are. (And I needed to sympathize with someone)
I watched the video, and kind of wished I hadn't. I won't comment on youtube, because I'm sure he'd enjoy that. I guess the only upside is that poor baby isn't in that idiot's care any more. I don't understand why people do stuff like that. :confused: Makes me feel sick.
I stopped watching it when he picked that poor baby up with the large tweezer things.... Dreadful and so disgusting :-(
So sad... But i did see the video about the True fatcs on frog and the crave they have for others. Even other frogs... So stupid to make that just for fun...
I actually hate those kind of frogs.. their dirty amphibians that will eat nearly anything. I want to throw it against the wall but I would immediately feel bad.
As hard as it is to watch I can't really say much unless we know the back story. For all we know the guy breeds chams for feeders or this cham was a runt or something like that. I know people who feed leos, corn snakes and milks to their monitors and I respect it 100% They are also very knowledgeable and have helped me out a lot.
I actually hate those kind of frogs.. their dirty amphibians that will eat nearly anything. I want to throw it against the wall but I would immediately feel bad.

and I love these frogs, I enjoy the fact that they eat nearly anything you offer it....of course I would never offer my pyxie a chameleon or anything that naturally it wouldn't come in contact with in the wild. I posted this on frogforum.com by the way. The one in that video sure looked like it lived in a cesspool. Don't think that they are all "dirty" just because of how one may be portrayed. You have a passion for your chameleons as many others have for their frogs....and you also have the right to an opinion.

Don't think for a second that all the pyxie frog owners out there are thinking this video is cool, like it was some feat that has been accomplished.
What is it with people's morbid need to share videos like this that upset them? Let it go, why post the link here and get another 100 people equally upset.
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