Warsaw- The Ambanja


Established Member
This little fatso is 5 mo just shed a day ago and he is glowing. The red/blue bars are starting to take over. I cant get over his white body and hope all the mint green disappears. I couldn't be happier with the way hes turning out. I dont have pics of the sire since his mother arrived gravid as a wild caught in a batch of ambilobe females. Im happy it happened and i actually like ambanjas alot more than ambilobes now. I will be updating his pics monthly to keep track of his progression. I have some ambilobe hold backs ill be posting soon as well

Pics were taken without flash and these are his resting colors. I cant get him to fire up yet.
amhanja 5 month.jpg
ambanja5 month old.jpg
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Looks great! He almost looks Luke an Ambato to me, can't wait to see how he turns out in the months to come:)
He is from a gravid WC female so im starting my own lines with him. Hopefully I get a full white body gene going. We will see how he progresses before pairing him with any females.
He's very beautiful, almost looks like a nosey faly with all those whites. I have a WC ambanja male as well and he's just gorgeous.


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Its been a month since I posted an update on this stunner and his whites are just getting better and better. You almost cant see his dorsal stripe at all. He has been producing sperm plugs already and now the hunt for high white females is on.
Warsaw 6mo.jpg
It has to be a cross since ambanjas dont have white bodies.
Ill just call it white body red bar panther to keep the critics happy.
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