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I have a few questions about cleaning/washing?

1. When should i shower my Chameleon, how long, and how hot?

2. Should I wash the fake plants with soap and water before placing in cage?

3. The water that comes out of my faucet is well water, is that okay to use to spray leaves for drinking water?
I have a few questions about cleaning/washing?

1. When should i shower my Chameleon, how long, and how hot?
If you're cham is dehydrated I would suggest showering. Other than that it's not really necessary. Luke warm water.

2. Should I wash the fake plants with soap and water before placing in cage?
Soap and water works well as long as you rinse them off well.

3. The water that comes out of my faucet is well water, is that okay to use to spray leaves for drinking water?
If you drink it I'm sure it's fine. Unless you know of any contaminants in it?

Entered some responses above.
people shower their chams for several reasons...

1. their cham is deydrated.
2. their cham is sick.
3. they have a female who is covered in sand from laying her eggs.

they dont need showers regularly like people do.
I have a few questions about cleaning/washing?

1. When should i shower my Chameleon, how long, and how hot? It is good to give them a shower once a week for at least 1/2 hour to hour, when doing so use warm water and have it bouncing off the wall and on a fake plant with 1/2 the plant in the water and 1/2 out so he can move in and out of it

2. Should I wash the fake plants with soap and water before placing in cage?
yes, antibacterial soap is good to use
3. The water that comes out of my faucet is well water, is that okay to use to spray leaves for drinking water?
many people use tap water, I put reptisafe in there drinking water because I feel like the water in my area is not great.

This is just what I do, take what you want and leave the rest:p
If your well water is safe for human consumption, has passed it's annual test, them it is safe for your cham. In some rare cases, people with wells have some sort of disinfectant, Ultra violet light the most common. Most wells are safe.

Do you know if you have any type of treatment?
Yeah at first I was buying gallons of water at a time and now I just use my tap water. Havn't had a single problem and everynow and then I drink our tap water. It basically depends on the water that is around you. Some Chameleons Love showers so it doesn't have to be just when they are sick. I wouldnt say do it everyday.
you put a fake tree or a bush in the shower..start the water and make sure its just barley luke warm, point it at the wall so it bounces off and makes more like a mist, put the cham on the tree or bush...
people shower their chams for several reasons...

1. their cham is deydrated.
2. their cham is sick.
3. they have a female who is covered in sand from laying her eggs.

they dont need showers regularly like people do.
great i was washing my cham because she was digging and then i wondered... wait should i have done that?
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