Water Conditioner


Is conditioning tap water a must before it is consumed by your cham?? My brother just gives his Bearded Dragons tap water, and they are healthy and happy. Is this different for chameleons though?
If the water has a high mineral content the plants will not be happy with constant mistings, they will get a white film on them. The misting system will also clog after a while. I am not in the camp that believes that chams need pure distilled water because they only drink "rain" in the wild. That "rain" picks up all sorts of stuff on the way down, and as it runs off all the natural rocks and plants...

I run mine through a multi stage filter from APEC, but its just to get out the stuff that would clog the misting system. Im not removing chemicals or running it through a RO filter (lol 4-5 gallons down the drain to make 1 gallon of water).
You can but its always better to treat it.
This isn't necessarily so. It all depends on what's in your tap water. Some municipal treatment chemicals are not good for herps and need to be removed either chemically or by letting the water sit in an open container to "age" overnight.

This "tap water" question comes up so often....doesn't the basic husbandry article cover it? A very quick forum search or reading under the Resources tab would give you the answer faster than waiting for answers, BTW.
For humidity and misting, I always used the cheap bottled (distilled water). I have very hard water in my area and I do this not so much for the Cham, but as the others above say, to keep my stuff from getting clogged up. We have VERY hard water. I need to add a filter for my refrigerator (on top of the fridges filter) because in a mater of 6-9 months, the water dispenser stops working due to mineral deposits clogging it up..

It's very cheap by the gallon from any discount big box. I pay about 79-89 cents per gallon at Walmart.
As tapwater quality differs a lot per region there is no 1 answer to this...

If you're in doubt use RO water or distilled water.
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