New Member
Hi guys.. Well here is a question for you.. When I am spraying the cage (misting) sometimes I will gently sqiurt just barley acrros this front mouth part. ? He dose not open his mouth yet water seems to be making it way inside because he swallows and seems to not mind it at all, almost like he likes to drink that way.. I do not do this very much at a time because I am a complete newb and do not want to drwon him or something stupid I was not aware of...
After a couple of second of this he will actuall sit up kinda and point his head straigt up in the air and even sometimes lean on his butt with his front legs up a bit head pointing straigt up..
Now nothing seems to be wrong at all when he does this.... He is not staining or struggeling or anything at all....
Is this normal and does te water collect in there mouths then the look up and swallow?
He is a couple months old eating perfectly and is healthy!
I just dont want to be doing anything stupid I am not aware is actually counter productive..
After a couple of second of this he will actuall sit up kinda and point his head straigt up in the air and even sometimes lean on his butt with his front legs up a bit head pointing straigt up..
Now nothing seems to be wrong at all when he does this.... He is not staining or struggeling or anything at all....
Is this normal and does te water collect in there mouths then the look up and swallow?
He is a couple months old eating perfectly and is healthy!
I just dont want to be doing anything stupid I am not aware is actually counter productive..