watercolor painting


New Member
Here is my latest work, featuring Plum-headed parakeets and Dendrobium thyrsiflorum. I have been working on this one for three months, I am glad to be done! :D I hope you will like it, thanks for taking a look!



this is absolutely gorgeous! as an artist myself i can appreciate all the time and effort you put into this especially with using watercolors :)
watercolor being the hardest of all painting mediums....this is fantastic work!....not to mention your composition is wonderful. its a true beauty
Thanks very much for the compliments! I really appreciate it!

After it is scanned I will put the original for sale on my site, but it wont be for awhile:D
This is beautiful. It would be so surreal to see a painting like this one, only with a chameleon eating a bird. Not to devalue this one, I just have a sick sense of humor I guess.
a bird eating chameleon? hmmm....lol....well....good luck with that....that would be a fantastic surrealist piece. go dig Dali up from the grave and command him to paint it ....bless Salvador.
That photo is crazy!!! Im working on a pair of Scalet Macaws at the moment, though:D

Thanks guys, you rock!
*waves to seagrasser*:)
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