waxworm gut load

remember what your feeders eat , your chams eat, so i prefer not to give my waxworms any wax, as it is not neccessary for them to thrive, there is several vids on you tube for raising most any kind of easy to raise feeders , including waxworms , i could explain the process but it would be easier to watch the vids , i have watched all vids on you tube that relate to raising feeders and i have included a link for what i think is the best waxworm/moth vid; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXI7uVPZRTE if the link does not work just search how to raise waxworms , or silkworms or meal or superworms or soldierfly larvae they are all there and watching the vids is much more informative than reading text. happy farming
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