Waxworm pupa

Hello everyone, i have been noticing that in my waxworms container there has been some pupa's. o you know how long it should take for them to hatch out. Also if anyone had ordered small hornworms and silkworms did you put them in their separate containers from the ones they came in? Mulberry farms had shipped mine out Monday and are supposed to come tomorrow.
I've just started breeding wax worms, the whole process took about 6 weeks and I now have hundreds of baby wax worms!

My horns and silks come to me in boxes with egg crate, I place the egg crates into rubbermaid containers. I'm not sure what type of containers yours come to you in though.
Okay thanks so 6 weeks until a moth may come out? I'm also building this thing tomorrow that's is suppose to be a memory bow but what it does is it a little box and has a sliding top so i may put in some silkworms in there or hornworms. It isn't good to mix them though right?
Sorry, my bad from pupa to moth to new worms was 6 weeks. If I remember right it was only a couple weeks for the moths to come out. They buzzed around the container for a little while, did their thing and now I finally have worms of a size I can see.

I got breeding container set up and food from

I have had both silks and horns within the same rubbermaid with their own food before...they will cross over and eat the other food. I didn't have any issues as long as they had enough food. But generally I have a couple hundred of each at a time and do keep them in their own containers.
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