Waxworm pupae/chrysalis?


Chameleon Enthusiast
So sometimes we run out of hoppers and are forced to feed them waxworms for maybe a day or two. What ive been noticing is that the waxworms are turning into pupaes/chrysalis. Im pretty certain this is fine but im just making sure its still safe to feed them that.
I’d suggest waiting for the wax worms to hatch into wax moths. Then they will be able to fly around and would be a great feeder for your cham. It’s pretty cool to see them hunt down the moths.
The process for wax moths is the same as for black solider flies

Good idea! but my chameleons cages are permanently opened because they have like sort of permanent free ranges. Its not too hard to remove the vine connecting so I could feed the moths. Heres a photo to give you an idea (the lightings bad)
Photo on 6-24-20 at 4.36 PM.jpg
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