wc jacksons wont eat


Hi 3 weeks ago I purchased a pair of jackson chameleons from a local show. During the first week they wouldnt eat anything. I went5 back to the show to talk to the seller and the guy I b ought them from wasnt there so I talked to his partner and found out that they were wild caught. What the best way to get them started on crickets . The male will eat a wax worm once in a while, they both drink cage temps 78 humidity 70 thanks Dan
make sure they drink alot, and try to get a fecal so they can be tested for parasites, also try repti aid i believe it helps with parasites. and leave them alone and give them loads of space
Well it's good that their eating and drinking. Give them space (don't hover) to lower stress, and to help them acclimate to their new surroundings. Try new food items such as flies and spiders. Flies you can buy at Mantis place and spiders you can collect from your yard. Do some research on your local spiders to avoid poisonous bites (i.e. balck widows and brown recluse:eek:). After they acclimate properly and eat regularly you can switch them to cricket.

Just my two cents.

regarding the spider you can catch in your yard, make sure niether you nor your neighbors use pestisides or else ur chams can be in BIG trouble!
My Jacksons seem to reduce their intake during the winter months. And they are very seclusive. I peek in on them only. When I started really getting into this forum and was learning more I began "observing" them because I became worried about them and that actually caused them to stop eating...So I went back to peeking on them every now and then :)
Flies seem to be very good at triggering the hunting/eating response that you are after. Something about the wings vibrating that drives a cham crazy :)

Let them adjust to their new surroundings and like other members have said... don't disturb them to much with. That's the hardest part to do isn't it? :eek:
My Jacksons seem to reduce their intake during the winter months. And they are very seclusive. I peek in on them only. When I started really getting into this forum and was learning more I began "observing" them because I became worried about them and that actually caused them to stop eating...So I went back to peeking on them every now and then :)

I am not sure about the problem with the Jacksins but you may have solved my problem. I have had healthy chams for ages and suddenly some seem to
have problems. Because I read so much here I am in & out of my reptile room like at least 10 times a day. Not handleing them just checking on what they are doing, eating, drinking, basking etc. Maybe my problem is me being "in their faces". I will have to cut down on how much I bother them.

Thanks for the idea, and what is a gato diablo??
OK, so you got them.

the thing is with WC animals, sometimes they are tricky to get used to a caged enviroment.

i havn't had any luck with WC animals.
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