WC Nosy Falys = coccidia

Shameless plug: All our Nosy Faly came in with Coccidia. We used Reptaid to clean them out. SOme guys cleared up in 10 days. Two of them took 3 months (because they were floor drinkers who kept re-infecting themselves before Chuck G told us how to overcome that. We wouldn't get to the cages in time to clean up the poop and sanitize before these guys licked the bottom of their cage. Chuck said remove the white plastic cage bottom. Leave the cage and plant resting on the open stainless grill. I thought 3 things: #1- DUH!, #2- Chuck is a genious, and #3- I am an idiot!).

Pardon the shameless plug, but it really works. We were able to do fecal exams and could watch the coccidia count diminish day by day until they were clean and stayed clean. Those that we did not immediately put on Reptaid kept high coccidia counts until their Reptaid regimen started. It cleans up other parasites too, but the Reptaid was first developed to specifically target coccidia because it was such a difficult parastie to kill without risking the chameleon's health.

Another note- our most experienced Reptile vet has told us that it is "normal" to find coccidia in chameleon fecals and a low count is not a concern. But we prefer to keep a zero tolerance here.

I wonder if Coccidia is like E-coli. All humans have E-coli naturally, but a fewer rarer strains cause serious illness/death.

You are not the first person to confuse me with being a genius.
The guys I got from you are doing great by the way.
my velied is being treated with ponazuril right now for coccidia. he is a captive bred and i think he got it from his crickets because the pet stores dont care if the crickets are wallowing in their own filth
So for those of us that dont much about Coccidia.What are the symptons&dangers other than infecting one entire collection.
Shameless plug: All our Nosy Faly came in with Coccidia. We used Reptaid to clean them out. [...] It cleans up other parasites too,....

Reptaid worked well to deal with a pinworm issue one of my chameleons had awhile ago. Used panacur on the other one that had pinworms at the same time. Both treatments worked equally well.

Since I had lots of leftover reptaid, I used it on all the chams as a preventative measure. If it didnt expire so quickly, I'd use it every year as a preventative measure.
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