WC or CB or F1?


New Member
Hey just wondering what eveyone thinks about this. I bought a gravid female red rudis from the last F1 shipment. I think she is getting ready to drop really soon (I have been thinking this for about 2 months now). So will they be considered CB?
Well, shipments don't normally come in as F1s they are normally WC shipments. Also a WC female has CB (captive born) not CBB (captive bred and born). If there is an F1 shipment from a breeder then they the female will have CBB F2s. Because in order to be F1 they had to be captive born, then if they become gravid the breeder paired them, so they will have F2 CBB babies.

Farmed raised F1s is what she was labled as. I bought her to add to my wc pair along with my tempeli they were susposed to be f1 as well. I am pretty sure they are, they were in perfect shape. Thanks for the help. I did not want to label anything wrong. Tim
F1 is first generation hatched in captivity. Ok, a farm raised F1 is at least CB and if she is gravid then you will have CBB F2 = captive bred and born second generation in captivity.

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