We did it!!


New Member
I've only had my Ziggy for five days, and for these five days I have been doing my very best to leave him alone! Despite my best efforts to make him comfortable, he hates me! He "flinches" when I walk in the room, and the moment I get close to his home he darts for cover. I did have to pluck moss out of his mouth, and I'm the giant with the mister, so I kind of understand. He hissed at me this morning, when I put my hand next to him to get a strand of moss I had left (I took all of it out after I saw him try to swallow it!) and honestly, the guy angered me a little! How dare he not like me! I'm not taking no, or "hhsssssssssssss," for an answer.

So what did I do tonight? I stuck my hand in his home with a squirmy wax worm on it, at first he starts to move back, looking for an escape, then he stops and notices the treat… he looks back at me, and then leans forward real slowly towards my hand, and BOOM, snatches the worm right up! SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS! :D:D:D I proceeded to feed him like 8 more from my hand, I knew didn't need all these worms, but I wanted to spoil him with an extra full tummy!

I feel like I just climbed mount everest or something, I'm so pumped. We're on the road to handling!

-Just noticed him zoom down through his plant and over to where the feeder cup is.. little fat snack wants to eat more! :rolleyes:
i know how you feel! my guy Cuprian just ate a superworm out of my hand for the first time yesterday! had him for 3 weeks!
Congrats on the first time! I don't think the feeling ever goes away its so cool to watch :D Some of the members have some awesome shots of their chams eating.
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