We have lift -off!!


New Member
I have sphinx moths hatching!!! Bug box is ready!! 19 more cocoons to go and hopefully some successful pairs!! Keep your fingers crossed! This will make feeder number six. Those of you familiar with my bug projects should be smiling!!!:p
Okay, Frannie: Everyone knows that it's an unwritten rule here on the forum that if you're going to make an announcement like that, you need to accompany it with a picture or two. :p
Ok OK!!! :p I'm at work now, so I'll get some pics up tomorrow!!! You are gonna be soooo jealous of my stacks of bug bins :p:p
Then you should come to the reptile shows in Wisconsin (specifically Sewerfest on August 1st) because there is a bar INSIDE the show and all the vendors get free beer and brats all day!! Woo Hoo!! (ha ha ha....just so we can then drive home....:rolleyes:)

omg im so there im from wisconsin. not to far from racine. hook me up with free beer!!

o and wisconsin is the only state in the union where it isnt necessarily frowned upon to drive drunk according ot the latest survey haha.
I almost forgot to post pics!!! Sorry Julie!! It's really not much. My first moth was a dud. So I'm back to waiting....fun.....



I like the feeder device you have for the sugar water. Is that just a standard hummingbird feeder? My first batch of hornworms started hatching this morning.
omg im so there im from wisconsin. not to far from racine. hook me up with free beer!!

o and wisconsin is the only state in the union where it isnt necessarily frowned upon to drive drunk according ot the latest survey haha.

www.sewerfest.com gives the location and directions; BTW - that stands for Southeast Wisconsin Exotic Reptile Fest. It's a small(er) but good show. It used to be a hot show (meaning you could sell and purchase venomous) until they moved venues last year (much needed) from Racine.

Well, that's all fine and dandy until you get into Illinois. :rolleyes:
I like the feeder device you have for the sugar water. Is that just a standard hummingbird feeder? My first batch of hornworms started hatching this morning.

It's just a hummingbird feeder. I stole my feeder from outside. Unfortunately it's very heavy, so I'm gonna have to rig something to suspend it safely :p

im gonna be in the Dells for my fiances b day. QQ ill have 2 miss

cheese curds are amazing not a big fan of spotted cow though. i love miller lite haha im so boring. my fav ice cream is vanilla too QQ
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