What UVB light is that? I upgraded to a 150 bulb.
I have a 40watt light for heat. It’s warm where i am so she doesn’t need much. The uvb is a t5 6%. You can use mercury lamps ( there is a lot of people who say you can’t) but they put out a high amount of uvb in a small area. I have used them but i checked the uvb with a solar meter first.
How cold we talking like 50? If you feel it’s to cold you can try doing this, go to a window with good light,set up a free range for her to hang out on and open the window. Make sure the window is open or the window glass will block the uvb ray
It is 55 degrees here, also she can’t free range at my house I have a cat that lives inside. Also she can’t move she just lays in one spot.
When you say 150 uvb bulb is it one of these 414960E2-F9A6-4B72-9C1E-908D85456F9A.png ?
As far as I know these are pretty bad.
This is what you want for heat.
The uvb coil is ok for uvb but not great. Much better with a liner flu-recent tube. I am starting to think your issue is the lighting.
I don’t use my UVB light for heat, I have a heat light. Also my UVB light isn’t coil.
As far as I know these are pretty bad.
This is what you want for heat.
The uvb coil is ok for uvb but not great. Much better with a liner flu-recent tube. I am starting to think your issue is the lighting.

That bulb could be too warm for a female and the coul uvb is less than okay from what I've seen
Hi not to be rude but your distracting from me helping this member who’s chameleon needs help ASAP, thank you
Dude. I am only trying to do the same. Sometime seeing a photo of the box is way more helpful as when you are trying to find the right thing it’s easier. Agree with you about the heat. That light is a box I had lying around.
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