Weak tongue


New Member
This will be a long message to explain what all is going on...My cham is about 9 months now and for a month or so, his tongue has just gone to flailing. It's weird. When he goes for water that is dripping from plants, he takes his time and is able to shoot his tongue and get (what I assume he is going for) he is shooting for. But when I offer crickets, unless its in front of him, he cocks back and starts shooting everywhere as if he is worried it will get away and just misses 3 or 4 times until he calms down and gets a little closer and takes it from about 3 inches. I replace his UVB bulb every 6 months, his crickets are gutloaded with Bug Burger, I also dust them with Repashy all in one calcium, along with a multivitamin and d3 the right amount of times per month. Before he started doing this, he did hit my hand with his tongue and I pulled it on accident a little. Also, he has hit his mesh cage a couple times. I am thinking that maybe he bruised his tongue then and then stopped using it as much so it weakened the muscle?
Any and all input would help!!
The repashy all in one is just that, all in one.
You dont need the other supplements.
This COULD explain the "issue".
Stop ALL supplement for a week, then start him back on the repahy, and only the repashy.
It could also be that he "jarred" his tounge, which should go away.
I would still stop supps for a week.
Thats my opinion.
Just to be sure, its the Repashy Calcium Plus that your using?
Correct. So do not dust the crickets for 7 days to clean out his system and then just use only the calcium plus?
So I shouldn't be trying to find some ways to strengthen his tongue or anything? probably just a supplement problem?
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