Weekly Diet-Help


New Member

This may be too much, let me know:

He is older than 1 but I have no idea honestly, here is what I come up with but I am not really certain so I will take some advice.

7 A.M. 1 Cricketand 1 Dubia w/Calcium w/o D3

12 P.M. 2 Crickets w/Calcium w/o D3

5 P.M. 1 Cricket and 1 Dubia w/Calcium w/o D3

6:30 P.M. 1 Superworm (Should I add Calcium to these?)

I have Crickets(purchase), Blaptica Dubia (colony), Mealworm (colony started only have few beetles with many pupa), bought 50 Superworms and bought 50 Waxworms (fatty, treat). Anything else I should try to introduce, what about the Phoenix Worm. How long does it take for these Superworms and Waxworms turn into a beatle and whatever the Waxworm turns into. I also have Romaine Lettuce to offer and can offer Fruit if needed. I use carrots, collard greens, Dutch Yellow Baby Potatoes (higher calcium potato per serving) for gutloading.

If anyone want to take what I have and suggest a weekly feeding regiment I would appreciate it, because I want him to be healthy but not overfed or underfed.

It seems you have a male Veiled? Mine would not eat that much every day as your timetable seems to imply.

For calcium; keep in mind that it isn't just total calcium, but the calcium phosphorus ratio to overcome. I would definitely put calcium on supeworms and believe it is probably more needed for those than the roach.

Regular mealworms are kept in the fridge to prevent them from maturing to beetles. If you keep them room temp they will mature quickly. Superworms put out a pheromone that keep each other from maturing. So, as long as you keep them together they will not mature. If you want them to mature then separate them. I used to put one each in one of those little, plastic things that film used to come in back when cameras used film.

Now for the part that some on this forum hate. I feed my Veileds fruit. I take a slice off of the end of a grape or a small blackberry and get calcium on the moist side. Then I put it on a stick in their cage with the not moist side facing the direction of the cham. They seem to love it. I only do this about 4-6 times/month but I think it gives good variety. However, I have seen here on the forum some folks that don't like doing so for some reason. All I can say is that mine like them and it seems to keep them healthy.
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