New Member
This may be too much, let me know:
He is older than 1 but I have no idea honestly, here is what I come up with but I am not really certain so I will take some advice.
7 A.M. 1 Cricketand 1 Dubia w/Calcium w/o D3
12 P.M. 2 Crickets w/Calcium w/o D3
5 P.M. 1 Cricket and 1 Dubia w/Calcium w/o D3
6:30 P.M. 1 Superworm (Should I add Calcium to these?)
I have Crickets(purchase), Blaptica Dubia (colony), Mealworm (colony started only have few beetles with many pupa), bought 50 Superworms and bought 50 Waxworms (fatty, treat). Anything else I should try to introduce, what about the Phoenix Worm. How long does it take for these Superworms and Waxworms turn into a beatle and whatever the Waxworm turns into. I also have Romaine Lettuce to offer and can offer Fruit if needed. I use carrots, collard greens, Dutch Yellow Baby Potatoes (higher calcium potato per serving) for gutloading.
If anyone want to take what I have and suggest a weekly feeding regiment I would appreciate it, because I want him to be healthy but not overfed or underfed.