New Member
Steve, don't mean to hijack the thread, but I had a question for you on your female's pic. I notice she's kind of flabby/swollen around the neck. I have a female ambilobe that is kind of the same way, sometimes when she gets startled, that flabby part swells almost to her front legs. I've been wondering if it is some sort of infection or edema, but she doesn't show any other signs of sickness. Yours is the first other pic I've seen with something similar.
Good eyes. It is edma. And its exactly as you describe. I got her that way a month ago and the photo was taken a few days later. I'm trying to correct it with her diet now that she's under my custody. Kelp powder is supposed to work because it has iodine. But I'm finding that cutting back on the supplementation itself, except calcium, is slowly doing the job.