Weird behavior?


New Member
My cham goes down to the bottom of her cage gets in her egg laying been and just stands moving around occasionally. doesn't dig then goes back to the top of her cage.
My cham goes down to the bottom of her cage gets in her egg laying been and just stands moving around occasionally. doesn't dig then goes back to the top of her cage.

it would help if you filled out the help form or at least mentioned the age/type of cham you have...

but assuming she is female and ready to lay, is your bin large enough and deep enough for her? what do you have in it? most ppl use lightly moistened play sand as it seems to be the easiest for her to dig/bury into

I'm assuming you have a female veiled or panther
Yes it is a female i said "her cage" She is nearing the age to lay eggs. i used burrowing sand mixed with eco earth and maoisten every other day. does she not like it it or just not ready to dig?
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