Weird bug in cricket batch


Avid Member
We found this weird bug in our batch of crickets and would like to know if anyone has seen this before. Does anyone know what this is? Does this pose any type of threat to our chameleons or the crickets? Not sure if you can tell from the picture but it is fuzzy like a caterpillar and about 1/2" long or so.

Yeah, I've seen a few like those in some bulk cricket batches. I don't think it poses any threats to the crickets or the chams, not that I would feed it to one. But, it can be an indication of subpar cleanliness and standards from your cricket source. I switched suppliers and haven't seen one since. I'm curious exactly what it is. We got them from a local shop - they are extremely clean though. It's too cold in MI right now to get any shipped to us.
I get those all of the time with my crickets. I think they're a type of weevil or carpet beetle larvae. My leopard geckos and chameleons never really enjoyed them too much.
You will always come across them when you buy crix. It's not harmful. Hairs may tickle some chammy throats. Feeding to chams not recommended.
hmmm....I didnt get any of those in my crickets from lllreptile.....They are kinda weird looking...:rolleyes:

If they eat dead cricket bodies and left over crap i think ill just leave em in there.

I have 1,000 crickets, but only two chams so ill have crickets for awhile

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