Weird bump on chameleon's head??????


New Member
Take a look at these pictures of my Chameleon Lucy, she is 7 years old and has formed this bump between her eyes over the last 7 months, at first I thought it may be like a reptile zit but has not gone away. Does anyone know. She acts like it doesn't bother her hardly ever but the other day I saw her rubbing at it.Please email me at [email protected] if you know anything.


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Howdy Adam,

I hope you don't mind, I copied and lightened the image:

As was mentioned by Sang, a vet can determine what the growth is and how to treat it.
I don't find it surprising to see something like this* on a senior animal.
7 yrs. is a great achievement, We would like to know more about how you have kept her.
I would have your vet take a look as well. She seems to be in pretty great shape, but I would hate to put her through any severe stress at this point in her life.
I'm not sure I would consider it an emergency. You said it is starting to bother her though, so if there is something that can be done to alleviate that irritation, it's worth investigating.
Good luck!


*tumor, growth, etc.
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Congratulations on having her for this long! It really is pretty amazing!
As for this bump... Only a vet would know for sure, but i had a male Veiled chameleon who developed somethign similar in almost teh exact same spot (only more on his right side), in between his eyes (he is only two).
I took him to my vet and they did a needle aspirate, and although hes not a reptile specialist, he said it looked like an abscess from what he could tell form under the microscope, full of white blood cells and bacteria.We ended up lancing it and trying to get as much gunk out that we could (he was DEFF not a happy camper!!) and he gave me some drops to keep putting on it... After lancing, it ended up scabbing over, and eventually, after a couple of months, healed over with scar tissue and is about half teh size it was at teh start... My guy never bothered at it, although he did seem alittle uncomfortable with the drops.
I would recommend taking her to the vet to at least get an aspirate done, because that will tell you the most.
Best of luck!:)

thanks for the advice! I have her in a 4ft tall X 3ft wide x 2.5' deep netted cage, there is bark on the floor a pothose plant and 2" thick vine setup for her to climb on, she pretty much stays on the halfway up level most of the time and i feed her superworms off a tray. i have a 2.5' flourescent w/uva/uvb across the top of the cage and 2 small compact uvauvb flourescents hanging in the cage about 1/3 down. she pretty much lives the pimp life. I rescued her from a family member about 4 yrs ago who was giving up on her! :eek: thanks for the advice, if anyone else has any let me know.
me too

my lil guy is about 11months and has abump in almost same spot, although it only the size of a bebe hope its nothing ,but idono please keep us informed and me especialy thanks
Did we ever get a diagnosis on this

I just took my 8 month old female to the vet today with the exact same bump between the eyes. They said it looked like an abscess and I've scheduled to take to a specialist.

Anyone know if it is life threatening and are there any alternatives to scraping?
RasAsteroid- So what came out of all this? My guy has the same type thing going on reciently. I can't imagine it sticking around 7 months! It looks so uncomfortable.

Tomahawg- what did the specialist say?

any updates would be great
I hope it turns out ok, nothing too serious! A 7 yo female is amazing!

using bark as a substrate and compact uvb? hm interesting.

and that , along with its longevity, proves my point of exceptions to every rule!
You must be doing everything right. Best wishes!
Long may she live! :)
Here we have an extremely old female that has been kept with compact uvs and bark chips 7 years of cfl barkhmmmm what you old hens got to say about that just luck hmmmm
Here we have an extremely old female that has been kept with compact uvs and bark chips 7 years of cfl barkhmmmm what you old hens got to say about that just luck hmmmm
in my post the word hens is not refering to only women of this forum its just sarcasism
poss treatment etc.

Maders "reptile medicine and surgery" has a whoel chapter on abscesses.... which was very interesting and informative. Generally, teh only treatment is scraping/CO2 laser ablation (cauterizing the area and killing any bacteria).
Because of teh location and her age, i can imagine that it would be an extremely stressful procedure, and you'd probably be justified in thinking it as your last resort...
If you do decide to go through with any surgery/procedure, and your vet isnt a specialist, i would try and get him a copy of taht chapter... Its pretty informative.amazing :)
Best of luck, and again congratulations on such a long-lived animal, your obviously doing somethign right!
Congratulations on having her for this long! It really is pretty amazing!
As for this bump... Only a vet would know for sure, but i had a male Veiled chameleon who developed somethign similar in almost teh exact same spot (only more on his right side), in between his eyes (he is only two).
I took him to my vet and they did a needle aspirate, and although hes not a reptile specialist, he said it looked like an abscess from what he could tell form under the microscope, full of white blood cells and bacteria.We ended up lancing it and trying to get as much gunk out that we could (he was DEFF not a happy camper!!) and he gave me some drops to keep putting on it... After lancing, it ended up scabbing over, and eventually, after a couple of months, healed over with scar tissue and is about half teh size it was at teh start... My guy never bothered at it, although he did seem alittle uncomfortable with the drops.
I would recommend taking her to the vet to at least get an aspirate done, because that will tell you the most.
Best of luck!:)

How much did your vet appointment cost? (With medicine drops)
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