weird. possible dehydration. pics included.

ny noob

New Member
keeping it short ans sweet.

here are the specs:
{{"cage type: reptarium 14x14x26
lighting: z watt bulb & a repti glo 5.0 fluorescent 18" t8
runs all day w/o cover
temp: ambiant 80ish
humidity: 50-60
plants: live ficus, fake vines
and it is located in my room. on the opposite side of my window on an interrior wall. the door is shut all day
::chameleon info::
blue bar amilobe, 6 months old and male
i feed him 10-15 gut load crickets, every other day with calc dusting. i feed the crickets leafy greens and apples - and store bought dry gutload.
i use the zoo med little dripper about 1' abouve screen. i run it three - four times a day

took him to a vet for a uri, which was almost completley gone by the day of my visit. no action taken. the day befor the visit i noticed extra slimy feces along with a small amount of orange in urates that hung on to him
told the vet about this. no actuon taken


today i noticed a slimy stool and slightly more orange in urates


from reading past posts it seems like dehydration but i see him drinking at least twice a day. any one have any advice or input? thank you in advance
Those "poops" look fine, except for the one with the orange coloring. I would simply try to mist more to get him to drink and monitor the urates until they are nice and white. I noticed this is from a few days past-how is he doing?
Hi-we have had Panthers for about 8 years and have had many Vets tell us that pigment can come through the intestine-especially on brightly colored guys.We had a Sombava who lived 7 years and had red in all his poop. The first Poop looks like it has quite a bit of mucus in it . You might want to give him a shower once a week. Some guys take to them right away and some need some coaxing but at least 20 minutes with the shower curtain mostly closed(you are on other side) and his favorite plant and just a gentle misting will boost his humidity. They can absorb through their skin.So try what everyone is saying and see If it helps.If he is active and eats well and is alert and stands tall on his vine he is probably O.K. However if anything else is present that concerns you-of course, contact your local Vet. Ambanja
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You said..."They can absorb through their skin..."I have seen this mentioned a few do you know this happens?
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