keeping it short ans sweet.
here are the specs:
{{"cage type: reptarium 14x14x26
lighting: z watt bulb & a repti glo 5.0 fluorescent 18" t8
runs all day w/o cover
temp: ambiant 80ish
humidity: 50-60
plants: live ficus, fake vines
and it is located in my room. on the opposite side of my window on an interrior wall. the door is shut all day
::chameleon info::
blue bar amilobe, 6 months old and male
i feed him 10-15 gut load crickets, every other day with calc dusting. i feed the crickets leafy greens and apples - and store bought dry gutload.
i use the zoo med little dripper about 1' abouve screen. i run it three - four times a day
took him to a vet for a uri, which was almost completley gone by the day of my visit. no action taken. the day befor the visit i noticed extra slimy feces along with a small amount of orange in urates that hung on to him
told the vet about this. no actuon taken
today i noticed a slimy stool and slightly more orange in urates
from reading past posts it seems like dehydration but i see him drinking at least twice a day. any one have any advice or input? thank you in advance
here are the specs:
{{"cage type: reptarium 14x14x26
lighting: z watt bulb & a repti glo 5.0 fluorescent 18" t8
runs all day w/o cover
temp: ambiant 80ish
humidity: 50-60
plants: live ficus, fake vines
and it is located in my room. on the opposite side of my window on an interrior wall. the door is shut all day
::chameleon info::
blue bar amilobe, 6 months old and male
i feed him 10-15 gut load crickets, every other day with calc dusting. i feed the crickets leafy greens and apples - and store bought dry gutload.
i use the zoo med little dripper about 1' abouve screen. i run it three - four times a day
took him to a vet for a uri, which was almost completley gone by the day of my visit. no action taken. the day befor the visit i noticed extra slimy feces along with a small amount of orange in urates that hung on to him
told the vet about this. no actuon taken
today i noticed a slimy stool and slightly more orange in urates
from reading past posts it seems like dehydration but i see him drinking at least twice a day. any one have any advice or input? thank you in advance