well i just had to


New Member
i was garegesaling the other day and found a 75 gallon tank for 12 dollars i asked if i could fill it with his hose and filled half of it up so i haggled and got it for 10. now how many pygmys can i safeley put in this tank. and what species do you sugjest would make a good display animal for the living room:)
i was garegesaling the other day and found a 75 gallon tank for 12 dollars i asked if i could fill it with his hose and filled half of it up so i haggled and got it for 10. now how many pygmys can i safeley put in this tank. and what species do you sugjest would make a good display animal for the living room:)

Awesome deal.. :D

I have a planted 65 gallon, and I keep 6-7 adult brevs in it. How much do you want to spend? The brookesia are very cool. I personally really love the brevs. They are comical, hardy, and active. Cool species, right up there at the top of my favorites list.
well 2 dollars buys me a lunch. i can spend about two hundred dollars on the tank and evrey thing about it but it would be a couple of weeks before i could aford the chams.
should i just get brevs or are there other types that are some what easy to care for.
wow-the Brevs are a riot-I have had mine for over a week and they are just fun to watch! I got my 4 captive bred guys and gals from Mike at FL Chams-I would highly recommend him, and he has quite a few of them right now.
Honestly, I would recommend brevs to start out with. The leafs are just as addictive as the rest of them, and you can always move on to other species later on. Brevs are a worthy project, and inexpensive to get in to. They are more active and colorful than.. well.. just about any other leaf chameleon. I really like my superciliaris, but if I could only keep one of the species, I would choose the brevs. They are just so.. cool. Plus, there is more data on them than the other leafs, and a few of us are having some good success with them. They are still challenging, especially if you plan to breed several generations. This is one of those species that everyone will regret not having worked with more when importation of them ends.
thanks i think i will get into brevs, by the time i actually get the cage set up i will probally have enogh to get some(srry for spelling im tired) what type of bulbs should i get
Used 5.0's or new 2.0's. Go to the FL Chams website, and read the Brev caresheet. Great info!
i have read that front to back about 8 times just wondering what other people do. i had nothing to do today so i built a hood that holds 2 bulbs it looks good so i am going to use 2.0s
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