We're moving

hey guys!

I have a 3,5 month old baby veiled cham named Rango. Me and my boyfriend got him about a month ago or so. He is the cutest little Cham and he is usually really friendly. He doesn't mind chillin on my hand once in awhile but he never hand fed before.
Anyway, yesterday he was shedding and today he is still shedding on his feet. It was his second time shedding and it was really stressful for him. He haven't really been eating. Moreover, we are moving to a new apartment this upcoming weekend and I was wondering what would be the best way to move him to avoid any stress? We also wanted to change up his terrarium and add some vines. We were thinking of putting him in a box Friday afternoon and cover it so he can sleep. Change his terrarium and move him to a new apartment while he is sleeping.

Is that a good idea? Or is that too much change at the same time? What do you guys think?
Personally, I would try to do the move with the enclosure the same design as in the current location. Less for your chameleon to take in. I also would transport your cham in a box on moving day, not put in there the night before. You can try a towel in a shoe box so he has something to grasp and then when the box is closed, hopefully there will be less stress. I'd also try to have the area the enclosure is going to be placed in all set up and try not to be moving around a lot for the first couple days if possible. Of course, all chameleons deal with stress differently and most hide it pretty well. Best of luck with the move!
Are you moving far away? If yes you could put him in the box that you got him in... or if its not a long distance you can just keep him in his cage... either way make sure he has some breathing holes...(y)
My advice is to wait till almost last minute to get him in the container because less time in there will be less stressful, also for the container I would do something like a towel at the bottom and something secure to climb on laying on the bottom. I would have the container covered enough he can't see much but not dark. If you are leaving in the time he is normally awake he will almost definitely not go to sleep.
Just like nyahhamilton said if it is not very far just keeping him in his cage is a possibility. When i got my 2nd panther he came with a cage and it was about a 30 minuet drive that I just kept him in his cage. We layed the cage down on its side so it wouldn't tip and i misted him a couple of times during the drive.
I feel like leaving him in the cage is going to stress him out. I might just put him in the box and move, or hold him and move, it's only a 15 minute car ride! So it's really close.
I feel like leaving him in the cage is going to stress him out. I might just put him in the box and move, or hold him and move, it's only a 15 minute car ride! So it's really close.

Just put him in a little box. I use small plastic totes with damp paper towels on the bottom. Don't hold him--that will be stressful and dangerous if he gets loose in the car. You mentioned he was stressed from shedding. I've not found that response with my chameleons. The babies shed all at once, and sometimes the shed on their eyes, face and feet bothers them, but stress would not be a word I would use as a response for shedding. If he isn't eating, it is more likely a health issue, not a shedding issue. If the shed doesn't pop off quickly it might be your humidity is too low.
Just put him in a little box. I use small plastic totes with damp paper towels on the bottom. Don't hold him--that will be stressful and dangerous if he gets loose in the car. You mentioned he was stressed from shedding. I've not found that response with my chameleons. The babies shed all at once, and sometimes the shed on their eyes, face and feet bothers them, but stress would not be a word I would use as a response for shedding. If he isn't eating, it is more likely a health issue, not a shedding issue. If the shed doesn't pop off quickly it might be your humidity is too low.

Okay, a box would work great! Our vet and also some other people on this website on other threads said that some baby chams don't eat when they shed cause it bothers them too much. He stopped shedding yesterday and now he's all good and eating like crazy again! He shedded his whole body, including the eyes, face and feet. The feet were really bothering him you could tell but he seems better now. Thank you :)
Okay, a box would work great! Our vet and also some other people on this website on other threads said that some baby chams don't eat when they shed cause it bothers them too much. He stopped shedding yesterday and now he's all good and eating like crazy again! He shedded his whole body, including the eyes, face and feet. The feet were really bothering him you could tell but he seems better now. Thank you :)

Just put in something like a twisted up paper towel that he can grab onto something in the box. Dampen the paper towel.

I read a lot of things that are just regurgitated nonsense. I have a lot of chameleons and shedding has just never been an issue unless there is shed around their eyes that is bothering them. Feet can be a problem if it wads up, but a baby sheds in minutes really. If it bothers them they scratch it off. The baby pictured below had completely shed everything off about an hour after this picture was taken. If you are keeping babies right, they shed almost in minutes.

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