Werner birth!


Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that my female Werner's gave birth to 9 little ones. She unfortunately had 4 that were stillborn.
She started around 7:30 AM, but I had to go to work, so I just sprayed her and left. She looked very deflated when I came home, but ok. I found 1 "dead one" (felt very soft and I thought I saw movement), so I dropped it a couple of times. I came back 10 minutes later and it was alive and crawling out of its sac. It is surprising that it survived all those hours in the mebrane, out of it's mom! It was gasping and had eyes closed, so I figure it will not make it. The eyes are now open and no more open mouth on that one, so that is good.
They are separated, so hopefully they will survive.
Congrats on your new babies. Quite an honor to have Werner babies. We don't see many of those around here. :)
Thank you.
She was a wild-caught, so I did not breed her, but hopefully some babies will survive.
It is very warm here today, so I put them on the main floor (where it is cooler) and will get some pinheads tomorrow.
Fanatastic! I worked really hard with werners and was never able to get a clutch. How long was she gravid for? I would love to see some photos! Goodluck!!!
How very exciting! Congratulations!! I have a gravid Werner's right now, and I'm waiting for her to pop. When you say you "dropped" the one in the sac, can you explain? Just in case I have the same situation. A while back I had a few Sternfeldi that didn't get out of their sac, and I'm wondering if I could have handled the situation differently.
Where is your Werner's from? Holly at xtreme? Did you get a male as well?
Sometimes dropping the egg sack "startles" the baby into action so that it will struggle to get out of the sack.
Congrats on the babies...mist,mist,mist. Very important. They will turn into eating machines in a day or two...Hope you have you have some feeders on hand.
Sometimes dropping the egg sack "startles" the baby into action so that it will struggle to get out of the sack.

How hard do you drop them, and on what? I'm not trying to be funny, just wondering. With my Sternfeldi I poked the sacs open with a pin. Two of the three lived for awhile, the one only took a couple of breaths.
I just took the baby in the sac and let it drop from the highest level branch that the mom would be on. She may have been on the bottom when that one came out.
I need to get a cable for my camera then I will try pics .

I fed them each a couple of pinheads each this morning. The looked at them but not interested yet.
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