Wet gutload


New Member
Hey guys. So i have a nice dry gutload i am using. But ive read a wet gutload should be given also? What does a good wet gutload consist of?
Gut load...

Hi there! I have been using fresh fruits and veggies. There are a few great blogs here that I used for my foundation. You want to target veggies that are higher in calcium than phosphorus. Today I put in a small buffet of mustard greens, snap peas, banana and a black berry. I also have on the ready butternut squash, spaghetti squash, papaya, romaine, cilantro and sunflower sprouts. I have a huge mix because I have 3 parrots which all eat organic veggies with their dry pebbles...which I also grind up for the dry part of my gut load with hemp and poppy seed. Check out the blogs...they are extremely helpful!!!
Search the blogs: https://www.chameleonforums.com/blog_search.php?do=searchresults&searchid=7641

Something I found there by sandrachameleon:

The "wet" portion of the gutload, which should be your principle gutload, can includes things like (switch it up with a different couple of items every other week): dandelion leaves, squash (butternut, spaghetti), hibiscus leaves and flowers, grape leaves, orange, papaya, carrot, alfalfa sprouts, mustard greens, romaine, spearmint leaves, arugula (rocket), basil, apple, mulberries , clover, garland Chrysanthemum, chickweed, cilantro, okra, a few blueberries, small amounts of raspberries, very small amounts of cooked quinoa, peas, sunflower sprouts, small pieces of steamed (then cooled) yam, leek bulb, Fuki, ... Fruits and veggies such as these are important both for the nutrients they give (via the insect) to your chameleon, and also because well hydrated prey results in a better hydrated chameleon.
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