what a fatty


New Member

Can you post a clearer picture of her from the side please? (showing her left side, please?)

Does she have MBD? Are her front left toes swollen?

Does she have a suitable place in the cage to dig to show you when she needs to lay eggs?

Was she mated? If so how long ago?
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Good questions Kinyonga. I was thinking those same things. I will be interested in hearing the answers and seeing a better picture.
kinyonga about the toes i have a 3 yr male veil for about 2 yrs he has had a what looks to be a swollen back foot its very hard he is in perfect health other than the foot wich doesnt bother him i dont think ive sqeezed it and he doesnt freak i was just wondering what you were getting at with his chams foot
Most often when the toes are swollen its due to infection...so it will need treatment. There are some cases where the toe(s) will be swollen and the infection has been walled off....and may or may not cause problems in the future.

Not sure, but sometimes I think it can happen from gout too.

I have also seen toes get swollen in old age...which seems to be something that doesn't cause any problems except that the chameleon can't grip the branches properly.

My main concern right now is that if she does have MBD and she is gravid she may be in trouble.
Sure looks like a case of MBD to me. Did you ever invest in a Reptisun 5.0 like was recommended when you first got setup?

:(She doesn't look happy.
I read a thread a few weeks back that says she is mated to another forum members male. Lovestospooge has not answered yet and I am interested in what he has to say.
Im not sure what this post is for? Are you trying to show us she is gravid? Looks to be in pretty poor shape, swollen feet... front right arm seems to show some MBD..

Im with socal.. pictures dont really indicate you may have picked that lighting up.
Besides the obvious MBD and swollen feet, she looks rather skinny and ribby. Her spine is poking up a lot. A vet trip and change of husbandry seems to be in order.
clam down shes fine, shes been eating, climbing and doing what chameleons do. her legs are fine, im no doctor like the rest of you people but the reason why the picture looks like crap is because I took it with my phone. im takein her to the vet for a check up. you psyco's
clam down shes fine, shes been eating, climbing and doing what chameleons do. her legs are fine, im no doctor like the rest of you people but the reason why the picture looks like crap is because I took it with my phone. im takein her to the vet for a check up. you psyco's

Namecalling is uncalled for and your cham doesn't look fine. She may be eating but you may not be supplementing or gutloading correctly. Do you have a repti sun 5.0 linear tube for her? She needs it, especially since you mated her. She is going to have a very hard time very soon if you don't get your husbandry taken care of now.
clam down shes fine, shes been eating, climbing and doing what chameleons do. her legs are fine, im no doctor like the rest of you people but the reason why the picture looks like crap is because I took it with my phone. im takein her to the vet for a check up. you psyco's
your the guy that posted help i got to breed my chameleon or somthing like that and now your putting all this stress on a unhealthy chameleon that animal looks to be in really bad shape and then when people try to point out some obvious health problems to try and help you and your cham this is the attitude you take calling everyone names well im glad you figured out how to breed them how old is she anyway because veiled chameleons contrary to a few publications should not be breed until they are at least 1 yr old
clam down shes fine, shes been eating, climbing and doing what chameleons do. her legs are fine, im no doctor like the rest of you people but the reason why the picture looks like crap is because I took it with my phone. im takein her to the vet for a check up. you psyco's

A rude response to the helpful advice people are trying to give you. Perhaps some advice on manners is in order, along side learning how to properly care for your chameleon.
Judging by those pictures, and yes, I'm another one of those psychos (the correct spelling) who've kept a great number of chameleons over the last 15+ years, I'd say a hard lesson in humility is about to be learned here. Poor animal. :(
Dude not cool.
Dont need to jump into breeding that fast.
See how her head is slumped over your hand that shows bad mbd.
My female had mbd about a year ago so I know what its like.
I now know why some of the forum members replied to me like this its only understandable from their point of view.
You will be LUCKY if she doesnt become eggbound and die because she wont have the strength to actualy dig or go to the botom of the cage.
clam down shes fine, shes been eating, climbing and doing what chameleons do. her legs are fine, im no doctor like the rest of you people but the reason why the picture looks like crap is because I took it with my phone. im takein her to the vet for a check up. you psyco's

Okay that does it...:mad::mad::mad:

Wow:eek:... Are you dense? :mad: (come on Joe think family forum, think family forum, think family forum...)

I'm sorry but this is like the 3rd or 4th instance where you have exhibited incredible immaturity and a lack of the competence needed to care for another living animal. You just want to have a cool little pet, and the self satisfaction of saying you "bred" them, and at this point... I don't believe you fit for either.

We are telling you... She is not Okay! Her Leg is not Fine! The picture looks like crap... Because your Chameleon is obviously recieving crap care from an owner who ignores her ailments.

Why couldn't your response have been..."Really, why do you think she has MBD? How would she get that? What am I doing wrong? How can I fix it..."

But honestly I am not suprised you responded to the above comments the way did... You have a habit displaying paramount immarturity.
Let us remanisce...:rolleyes:

Here is where you were to incompetent to google "Breeding Chameleons" So you posted two threads wining and begging for someone to take the time to explain it to you, when the info is already out there, You are just to lazy to open your eyes and look for it. So you cried about it on the boards until someone finally took the time to type out an explanation for you.

Here is a thread where you said How Cool it was that some kid put his Cham and his Iguana together in the same glass tank to see what would happen! Another great example of your maturity...

And it doesn't suprise me how your Cham thanks you for the care you provide.
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