what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!

I try to take her out, she puffs up and hisses. It's like when I even try to be near her she gets all stressed. It's upsetting. The only time my hand is in there is to clean and feed and mist. And that makes her super angry.
Ok be around her as much as possible, put your hand around her body and take her legs off the branch one by one to take her out, if you pull your hand out when she hissed then she will know your scared
Okay. Should I wear something.? She bites....

has she acctualy bit, like bit down on you?? alot of chams will kind of gape and bunt you with their mouth and side sometimes. seems very much like they are really trying to bite you.
i personally do not reach or wrap my hand around a chameleon, i perfer to get my fingers under them and gently lift
Yeah maybe a gardening glove, you know the thick kind, gentlely lift her out of the cage, when chameleons are out of their territory they are usually very sweet, and they get depressed when left in their cage all day and do the same things over and over, and hoj if the chameleon if aggressive then that way won't work, so sometime you have to wrap your hand around them, oh and also another way to calm them down is to rub under the chin or between the eyes
when chameleons are out of their territory they are usually very sweet, and they get depressed when left in their cage all day and do the same things over and over

ok this just is not true, my chams are not depressed in their cages. and often all a cham wants after being removed from their cage is to be returned.
i do have chams that enjoy being out, but you state it as a generalized fact
just my 2 cents

this thread is way off topic now as well...
Yeah, but all chameleons are different and we all have to realize that, my chameleon gets bored and will stop eating for a few days if I don't let him out once and a while, so let's find out what works for your chameleon. Usually when something wrong with a chameleon they let it out for short periods of time they go back to normal, this has happened to many chameleons before, I didn't mean it as a fact but just something to take in account. Sorry I kinda worded that post wrong :)
No. She really bit. Left little marks, no blood though. She's still small though. I don't think age bit with all her force...

well then i can see you needing to be carefull, i always start with accosiation to good things like hand feeding, and it helps to handfeed good treats like worms and new things, getting them to assosiate you will good things is the first part. slow steady and deliberate movenets will help

Yeah, but all chameleons are different and we all have to realize that, my chameleon gets bored and will stop eating for a few days if I don't let him out once and a while, so let's find out what works for your chameleon.

i know what you were saying, and am toatlly fine with that being your situation, but you stated it like fact.
i do know what works for my chams ( the 13 of em ) and have found that it is often very different for each chameleon on each day.
and as such do not make such general statements, as yours, a phase of fact

again this is JMO
I'm doing this off my phone, so spell check kinda got to it, I meant to put some chameleons get depressed, so I didn't mean to act as if I know everything, or that everything I say Is a fact.
well you acctually said

"Your welcome, yeah even though I just got on this forum I know everything there is to know about male veiled chameleons so you can ask me anything, thanks BoopDoop is what I call my chameleon sometimes instead of his real name which is euigene. "

but i can admire you now acknowledging that you do not know everything ( like me and spelling LoL ) we all have stuff to learn and to teach, and that is the point of this forum.
cheers :)
I meant I can answer just about everything because I have experienced it or either read about it, I make sure what I say is true or has happened to me, I not trying to say I am a master of chameleons or anything sorry if I said it that way but I usaully prove many people wrong on this forum (not you though) and the word just was suppose to be behind I know everything, it should have read I know just about everything about a male veiled chameleon, thanks for understanding, hope you have a good day.
you too, and i do value your experience as well, there may be a day you can answer a question for me or likewise. thank you for being very reasonable :)
mychamtini112012...how old is your chameleon? What species?

Please don't put your hand around her to get her out of the cage when she is already in a grumpy mood...she will likely bite you.
I would take her out on a stick if you have to take her out at all. What I do is put on a long sleeved loose fitting sweatshirt and pull the ends of the sleeves down over my hands when I have to handle one that tries to bite and then if it bites my arm it gets a mouthful of shirt. It won't hurt her and since you won't get bitten then its safe for you too. Some of them calm down after they are out of the cage since being out of the cage is like being out of their territory and they have to put themselves on guard. Some still try to bite.

Gravid females are grumpier than ones that are not gravid as a rule.
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