What age can i feed my veiled cham meal worms?

I'm not sure if there's a certain age, but I know they say the feeder shouldn't be wider than the width between your chams eyes.
It's ok, they're not toxic or anything. Mealworms in and of themselves don't consist of much, they are more hard shell and fat than anything. Baby superworms are a little better, but both aren't much if you don't gutload them well and even then aren't as meaty/nutritious as a roach or cricket, for example.

The idea is just to mix it up. I'm not personally against giving superworms more often now and then, but some chameleons can end up bored of crickets and refuse to eat anything but the worms. So mixing their diet around constantly keeps them interested in everything, in my opinion.
It's ok, they're not toxic or anything. Mealworms in and of themselves don't consist of much, they are more hard shell and fat than anything. Baby superworms are a little better, but both aren't much if you don't gutload them well and even then aren't as meaty/nutritious as a roach or cricket, for example.

The idea is just to mix it up. I'm not personally against giving superworms more often now and then, but some chameleons can end up bored of crickets and refuse to eat anything but the worms. So mixing their diet around constantly keeps them interested in everything, in my opinion.

thanks for the info! I gave him baby mealworms :) I think im going to try and breed crickets too so I don't have to keep buying them ....that way he can eat as many as he wants ...right?
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