What appears to be wrong with my Veiled's eyes? Worried she has been lethargic


New Member
She has been lethargic, just went threw a molt and then stopped eating...now her eyes are doing this..video bellow

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled ..5months old have had for approx 3 months
Handling - not often
Feeding - gut loaded crickets & super worms, meal worms she "was" eating 12 a day ..has not eaten in approx 2 weeks
Supplements - EXO-terra multi vit. 2 xs a month & calcium dusted daily
Watering - misting approx 4 's a day & ice cubes on top of cage that drip on certain plants..I have seen her drink before these symptoms a rised
Fecal Description - dark brown med solid w white, was normal ..recently no droppings, never tested
History -

Cage Info:
Cage Type -screen ..not sure its the standard size for her
Lighting - 6am -7pm lights on. she has 100w basking bulb, 26w uvb 100,75 w night heat lamp blue
Temperature - 75 F daily...basking area is around 90 ..night drops to 66
Humidity - at lowest 30 at highest 70
Plants - Wandering jew, had a hibiscus & spider but took them out the soil was not drying out
Placement - in a very large closet ..tiny fan for air flow
Location - New Hampshire

Current Problem - She has not eaten for 2 weeks, has not drank on her own for about 4 days, yesterday I rubbed a super worm w multi vit on her mouth and she opened it and ate it on her own however has not attemped to eat on her own. I spray water on her mouth so it goes in but she has not drank on her own. She is lethargic, eyes closed most of the day now. She used to be aggressive with touch n hiss now she does not care, Her eyes have been doing this weird movement..see attached video
I am going to first of all suggest that you take her to the vet. If she hasn't
eaten in 2 weeks! That is pretty serious. I am also going to give you a few pointers below on your husbandry to help her.

She has been lethargic, just went threw a molt and then stopped eating...now her eyes are doing this..video bellow

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled ..5months old have had for approx 3 months
Handling - not often
Feeding - gut loaded crickets & super worms, meal worms she "was" eating 12 a day ..has not eaten in approx 2 weeks
12 of what exactly. What size crickets are you feeding her? Also superworms and meal worms should only be fed as treats. Superworms especially have a hard exoskeleton that is hard for chameleons to digest so you want to feed these sparingly. They can cause impaction if fed too many.
Supplements - EXO-terra multi vit. 2 xs a month & calcium dusted daily
What kind of Calciium are you dusting with? With or without D3? The "go-to" supplement should be Calcium w/o d3 everyday and Calcium w/d3 and Mulitvitamin 2x's a month.
Watering - misting approx 4 's a day & ice cubes on top of cage that drip on certain plants..I have seen her drink before these symptoms a rised
Ice cubes are not a good way to provide hydration for your chameleon. They are cold and that deters the chameleon from wanting to drink from the water they provide. I would suggest a dripper. Also how long is she misted for in the 4x's a day she is misted?
Fecal Description - dark brown med solid w white, was normal ..recently no droppings, never tested
History -

Cage Info:
Cage Type -screen ..not sure its the standard size for her
What size is the cage? A picture would help to get an idea of how big she is and the cage?
Lighting - 6am -7pm lights on. she has 100w basking bulb, 26w uvb 100,75 w night heat lamp blue
I am not sure of that UVB bulb. I always say if it doesn't sound familiar with chameleons it generally isn't safe to use. I use a Reptisun 5.0 and haven't had any problems. Maybe someone else will chime in about the UVB light it is safe to use or not. :) Also you do not need the Blue night light. Chameleons need a temp drop at night to maintain homeostasis. That is how their body knows when to go to sleep.
Temperature - 75 F daily...basking area is around 90 ..night drops to 66
Humidity - at lowest 30 at highest 70
Plants - Wandering jew, had a hibiscus & spider but took them out the soil was not drying out
Placement - in a very large closet ..tiny fan for air flow
Location - New Hampshire

Current Problem - She has not eaten for 2 weeks, has not drank on her own for about 4 days, yesterday I rubbed a super worm w multi vit on her mouth and she opened it and ate it on her own however has not attemped to eat on her own. I spray water on her mouth so it goes in but she has not drank on her own. She is lethargic, eyes closed most of the day now. She used to be aggressive with touch n hiss now she does not care, Her eyes have been doing this weird movement..see attached video

Again I really want to stress the importance if getting her to a vet if she hasn't eaten or drank anything in 4 days... This is serious.
Thank you, she mostly ate crickets..super worms were more often then should have been. I am going to take her to the vet I am assuming its a sinus infection. She is gaping.
That would be a respiratory infection. She will need antibiotics for sure if that is the case. It is very SERIOUS that you take her to a vet ASAP.
Vet around here are closed weekends..I have to wait till Monday..so anyone have advice on how to care for her in the meantime. Her eyes are alert but her body is lifeless. I have been giving her water in a dropper..she is uninterested in food and loosing weight
I have had her on a towel in her basking area during the day and giving her water, lightly misting plants but not her. During the night I move her a little lower on the towel and keep night heat lamp on her...I read that when they are sick to keep night temps in the 70's I am very aware she needs to go to the Vet..she has an appointment
So the vets around you weren't open at 7:42 this morning when you posted earlier? I would look around for an emergency vet if there is one near you. If this is as serious issue as you are describing, she might not make it the weekend.
I agree with Katie and her situation sounds dire. I would be looking for an emergency vet as suggested to you.
She made it to the vet today ..they put her on Fortaz (ceftazidime) injection 1gm I have enough for 2 weeks..administer every 3 days. They also gave her subcutaneous fluids 10mls. I have enough for 2 weeks as well. She appeared healthy other wise, her weight was great.
Glad that you got her to the vet. I would look back at the first post that I made with all of the red. Just read over some suggestions I have given you to make sure she stays healthy.
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