What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

Not the hugest Black Metal fan, Type 0 Neg is pretty good, I've listened to GWAR a few time (if they count.. not sure what counts as what anymore)
Any Black Metal fans??? Gorgoroth, Burzum, Carpathian Forest, Tsjuder?

How about Type O Negative...

Not the hugest Black Metal fan, Type 0 Neg is pretty good, I've listened to GWAR a few time (if they count.. not sure what counts as what anymore)

Wow, Gwar? Remember them with Biohazard back in the day. Anyone want to post some examples? What are your favorites? (I promise I'll play along and join in!)
Amen your talking religion. Existence can be a bizarre thing. Mind Spa has only been a round two to three years and is not advertised at all. I found out about it by chance, call it good Karma that I found the place.

In theory, RELIGION or CULT following is the institution of SPIRITUALITY but it in itself is not SPIRITUALITY.
The difference is any RELIGION is ment to control the masses on a large scale. Like the fence that keeps the sheep or cattle from wondering too far outside. Individual SPIRITUALITY recognizes SPIRITUALITY in every RELIGION. Without ever belonging to one specific RELIGION.
SPIRITUALITY is universal where RELIGION is not.
In theory, RELIGION or CULT following is the institution of SPIRITUALITY but it in itself is not SPIRITUALITY.
The difference is any RELIGION is ment to control the masses on a large scale. Like the fence that keeps the sheep or cattle from wondering too far outside. Individual SPIRITUALITY recognizes SPIRITUALITY in every RELIGION. Without ever belonging to one specific RELIGION.
SPIRITUALITY is universal where RELIGION is not.

At the same time you have to be careful what thing you allow places like Mind Spa to expose you too, especially if spirituality and your aura is important to you. Did you know that Super Markets hire psychiatrists to put playlist together for their stores that encourage their customers to buy more weather they want or need too. I have read some studies that say it is effective. That could be said is preying on the spiritual side of people and an example that music has been proven to be capable of effect people even on a subconscious level. The religion part is creating the infrastructure and guidelines of standards of what is OK and not OK. That's my idea of what's going on.
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At the same time you have to be careful what thing you allow places like Mind Spa to expose you too, especially if spirituality and your aura is important to you. Did you know that Super Markets hire psychiatrists to put playlist together for their stores that encourage their customers to buy more weather they want or need too. I have read some studies that say it is effective. That could be said is preying on the spiritual side of people and an example that music has been proven to be capable of effect people even on a subconscious level. The religion part is creating the infrastructure and guidelines of standards of what is OK and not OK. That's my idea of what's going on.

The market theory true may it be should not strike fear in individuals privi to this information. Ones Spirit can not be attacked, killed, or destroyed. Only the weaker MIND can be influenced. The spirit is an indestructible force, that MANY wish to understand. It is what it is ,what determines what is good and what is bad, lies in the heart of the individual.

Is being blinded by the light the same as being able to see through the
At the same time you have to be careful what thing you allow places like Mind Spa to expose you too, especially if spirituality and your aura is important to you. Did you know that Super Markets hire psychiatrists to put playlist together for their stores that encourage their customers to buy more weather they want or need too. I have read some studies that say it is effective. That could be said is preying on the spiritual side of people and an example that music has been proven to be capable of effect people even on a subconscious level. The religion part is creating the infrastructure and guidelines of standards of what is OK and not OK. That's my idea of what's going on.

Its in your screen flicker rate, the hertz of the music you hear, everything.

Just look around a bit, but dont look too long...

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