Chameleon Enthusiast
Awesome story! I was never a fan of ELO when I was younger. Only now am I appreciating their music, along with a few other bands.Omigosh! Mustabeen 25/30 years ago, a friend & I drove up to Canada to play in a Crokinole tournament. It was a long drive, so we took a motel room for the night before. With nothing to do that evening, we spotted a club in strip mall across the street from the motel (well, at least nobody had to drive back to the motel!)
When we got to the door, the bouncer said, "$5 cover". Friend & I looked at each other thinking, "Cover charge for a dive like this?" Bouncer added, "There's a live band tonight." We figured what the hey, forked over our $5 CDN and went in.
"Dive" it was not. This was the biggest bar I had ever seen in my life.
It was huge—like a mega-Walmart, but a bar.... Actually 7 bars spaced around the place, and a huge stage at one end. We got a couple of adult refreshments, and since things hadn't got jumping yet, we played a few games of pool.
Then the band came out & started playing... You guessed it—ELO. We were in the farthest part of the place from the stage, and we still had to yell in each others' ears to be heard over the music & din. Well over 1000 people in there that night.
Another thing they had that I'd never seen before was a coded balloon thing. Patrons could buy different colored helium balloons; each color had a different meaning, e.g "Available", "Back off—I'm in a relationship", "Buy me a drink", etc., etc. I can't remember all of them...