What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

Looks like I didn’t post this, meant to… One of my all time favorite bands from their latest offering - Six…

Extreme - Other Side of the Rainbow…


Got to see them live again for the first time in too many years. One of Boston’s best!
Might have posted this a million years ago during the first decade of this thread, but the memory is not what it used to be.

ARTCH - Where I Go…

Decadancin!! Woww!!

Where did all that come from. You are making up for a lack of posts on this thread this past month.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich

Sometimes I have music days. It is rare, but I get to search for bands and songs from the past and re-live memories. I wish I could do this more often, but life gets in the way. At least it has a great soundtrack with this thread!!!
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