What are you paying for gas where you are???

Are you kidding me....???

OK, so I am a scientist here. I work with the Alternative Energy and Oil and Gas Industry. I am a conservationist...not and environmentalist. A conservationist believes in using our resources wisely. An environmentalist is typically known in our world as an untrained politically driven individual. OK, so, wind energy is under attack because it is killing bats and birds. Solar is under attack because it can only help and the amount of sunshine needed to generate enought power is only found in the somewhat arid regions of the U.S. Eastern U.S. does not get the intensity needed due to cloud cover and haze from humidity in the air. What's left that is relatively clean and somewhat plentiful....NUCLEAR. That's right. If you are scared of radiation...then stay in your house, get rid of your cell phone, tv, computer monitor, car, and a number of other things. All these thing emit radiation. Cell phones are worse than all of these. Nuclear energy is the only way to go until we discover or improve cold fusion. I think we already have cold fusion.

Interesting arguements but 1.) We can contain spent nuclear fuel safely. The problem is no one wants it stored near them. 2.) There are many solar power plants being developed to supplement energy needs throughout the Southwest. These are having to deal with many environmental regulations that will take several years to permit. 3.) Global warming is not happening on the grand scale that it is being promoted. The geologic history has shown us that periods of hot and cold have existed on Earth and these periods last for hundreds to millions of years. All the major scientists that supported GW in the beginning have retracted their positions. This is available on the internet. The scientist still supporting it are making their income by promoting the scare of GW. Scientists get grants from many public and private funds that ultimately secur their positions as tenured professors and pay supplement their income. Hey, if you could ride a wave and make lots of money would you pass that chance? Not sure if you are old enough to remember this but back in the mid 1970s their was a huge scare that we were approaching another ice age. I remember sitting in science class and my teacher was almost in tears over it one day. It is always some crisis and OwlGore has tapped into this. He is a marketing genius. 4.) FYI, oil is not drying up. In fact, it has been discovered that wells once thought dry that the oil has been replinished. In addition, there is enough oil in the continental U.S. to supply us for >400 years. We just cannot drill for it because of the restrictive regulations. Thirdly, there is enough oil off the coasts to produce almost a trillion barrels of oil. Calculate how long that would last.

Here is the final kicker...renewable energy sources do not truly exist. It is a fad and a myth. They just do not. None are sustainable at this point in history. Not even bio-diesel and especially not ethanol. If there were some innovative renewable energy source don't you think someone or some corporation would have capitalized on it already? Seriously....There are no perfect solutions.

Our government friends and environmentalists friends use the environment to make the people more dependent on their assistance by strangling us with a bad economy and high prices for fuel. Without getting too paranoid here I think I will end my rant. Please, please, please speak truths when you post and don't just spout what you have heard and read on the internet. Remember, anyone can post anything and provide perceived facts and numbers to make believers out of anyone.
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Lol... this is a fun thread.

Well, I work as a geophysical technician for a company that processes seismic data for oil and gas exploration. I'm a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Denver Geophysical Society. I'm in the oil and gas "loop" if you will.

I'm not going to spout off a bunch of crap here about gas prices and oil reserves and such, but if anyone actually has a serious question about these issues I'd be happy to answer them.

Ron, we should talk. Sounds like we have a few things in common. :D

Oh, and we're right around 4 bucks even here in colorado...


Always willing to chat it up with like minds that have something to share!:)
and we're hovering around $4.50 a gallon
The price tends to go up on friday and saturday a few cents then is lower on wednesdays
hummmmmmm "go figure"

Here's one of the little essays that have been making the rounds
showing that the price of oil is closely related to speculation
and he price of Gold in relation to the US dollar.

Simply put, there was never a "oil shortage".
supply and demand weren't functioning here...
Just a weakened us economy (oil is traded in us dollars)
undercut by a currency that isn't backed by something tangible ... like gold.
combined with rampant (enron type) speculation driving up prices.

if our currency was backed by gold (just like it usd to be)
we would not have barely any oil fluctuations at all.
we still would be very well off if the economy was stronger (= dollar strong)
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The demand for oil is steadily increasing in the world (China and India are using more than ever), and supply is standing still. All it takes is for some country like Russia to throw a little instability into the mix (which will happen sooner than later) and oil prices will skyrocket again. I don't doubt that there's speculation driving up oil prices, but I think demand is a bigger factor, as it's still rising. Production is not (yet). The US has lowered demand in the past year suprisingly well (through restrictive driving), but other countries are not. We'll be exploring for oil soon enough, as soon as Pelosi thinks she's sold enough of her books and gets back to work so they can actually vote on it.

So far, my predictions in previous posts have been pretty good.... I have a few more to make, but I'll keep them to myself for another few weeks...

$3.68 per gallon around here...
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