what can he eat?


New Member
i have a 3 1/2 moth old male veiled chameleon and i'm wondering what can he eat other than crickets at this age :confused: and what kind of plant can he eat and what age can he start eating plants :confused:

p.s. any good ways to keep hydrometer and thermostat on the wall of the cage :cool:

the cave dwelling chameleon Mort! :cool:
i have a 3 1/2 moth old male veiled chameleon and i'm wondering what can he eat other than crickets at this age :confused: and what kind of plant can he eat and what age can he start eating plants :confused:

p.s. any good ways to keep hydrometer and thermostat on the wall of the cage :cool:

the cave dwelling chameleon Mort! :cool:

A 3 1/2 month veiled can also eat silk worms, horn worms, super worms, butter worms, flys, just to name a few. The key is making sure what ever you feed is the correct size for him. If you get small feeders he will enjoy the variety.
He may start eating plants at any time. Pothos seems to be a favorite and I think also ficus, but not sure about the ficus.
I can't help you with the hydro/temp gage. I use one with 2 probes and put the unit in a ziplock bag outside the cage so it doesn't get wet.
my veiled is about the same age and i've noticed him taking bites out of pothos ivy recently. Is this a sign of dehydration or malnutrition, or is it normal?
Veileds very commonly eat a decent amount of plant material in addition to their bug diet. It's totally normal and good for them. Make sure you have non-toxic plants in their cages especially. If you offer them fresh greens they get the benefit of those nutrients directly and it's additional hydration. It's totally normal and you should encourage it.

As I type this I'm watching my adult veiled munch on his lettuce actually. He gets a few pieces of fresh greens (dandelions, collard greens, mustard greens, endive lettuce, etc.) every day. He knows where they are and he goes and eats them up every day!
I have red leaf, romaine, and spinach, are these good to offer them? I gutload my feeder crickets with collard greens, sprouts, carrots and whole oats. What else would you recommend?
Veileds very commonly eat a decent amount of plant material in addition to their bug diet. It's totally normal and good for them. Make sure you have non-toxic plants in their cages especially. If you offer them fresh greens they get the benefit of those nutrients directly and it's additional hydration. It's totally normal and you should encourage it.

As I type this I'm watching my adult veiled munch on his lettuce actually. He gets a few pieces of fresh greens (dandelions, collard greens, mustard greens, endive lettuce, etc.) every day. He knows where they are and he goes and eats them up every day!

Was I confused with Panthers? I thought eating leaves usually means dehydration. :confused:
Was I confused with Panthers? I thought eating leaves usually means dehydration. :confused:

True that panthers don't usually munch on veggies. I wouldn't rely on it as an indicator of dehydration though since I know some people's panthers like veggies. A better indicator would be to watch for orange color of the urates. Eating veggies does contribute to hydration, but I wouldn't say that means they are seeking it out specifically for that purpose necessarily, although it is possible.
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