Very discouraged and need some guidance. We bought a very small veiled from petsmart and thought we knew what we were doing. Unfortunately we had to return it, he (which I think was actually a she) would not hardly eat and didn’t open its eyes and barely moved the last 3 days. We took him to the vet and was given carnivore care but it didn’t seem to help. If it was something we did I’m hoping we can correct it so we can hopefully try again and do it right
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, very small only 2 inches head to base of tail, 10 days
Handling - Once a day
Feeding - Small crickets, fruit flies, super worms, never saw him eat but about 3 crickets.
Supplements - calcium without d3 every day and did multivitamin once but not even sure he ate it
Watering - Dripper and misted several times a day, saw him drinking at first but not the last couple days
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoo med screen cage 30inx16
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 and zoomed blue daylight 60 watt, 12 on 12 off for both
Temperature - Basking temp 85, bottom. Of cage 72 Lowest overnight temp? 70 at night How do you measure these temps? Probe thermometer
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? They would get somewhat low around 40 but would spray to keep them around 70 How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Spraying and running a humidifier in the room What do you use to measure humidity? Humidity gauge
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? No
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? Living room near a window and a vent
At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? Around 5.5 feet
Location - Where are you geographically located? Central Indiana
Current Problem - What did we do wrong ?? He seemed fine the first few days and than went really down hill, didn’t eat, move, or open his eyes even when being held. Please any info on cage, temps, lights would be appreciated. Very heart broken to take him back but felt like we were doing something wrong. Scared to try again until we know for sure we have everything right. Thanks
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, very small only 2 inches head to base of tail, 10 days
Handling - Once a day
Feeding - Small crickets, fruit flies, super worms, never saw him eat but about 3 crickets.
Supplements - calcium without d3 every day and did multivitamin once but not even sure he ate it
Watering - Dripper and misted several times a day, saw him drinking at first but not the last couple days
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoo med screen cage 30inx16
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 and zoomed blue daylight 60 watt, 12 on 12 off for both
Temperature - Basking temp 85, bottom. Of cage 72 Lowest overnight temp? 70 at night How do you measure these temps? Probe thermometer
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? They would get somewhat low around 40 but would spray to keep them around 70 How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Spraying and running a humidifier in the room What do you use to measure humidity? Humidity gauge
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? No
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? Living room near a window and a vent
At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? Around 5.5 feet
Location - Where are you geographically located? Central Indiana
Current Problem - What did we do wrong ?? He seemed fine the first few days and than went really down hill, didn’t eat, move, or open his eyes even when being held. Please any info on cage, temps, lights would be appreciated. Very heart broken to take him back but felt like we were doing something wrong. Scared to try again until we know for sure we have everything right. Thanks
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