What do I use on the bottom of my veiled chameleon cage?


New Member
Hey, I am posting this to ask what should I use for the bottom of my chameleon cage? I am using jungle bed and some moss, but she keeps on getting the moss and jungle bed in her mouth. is there something else I should be using? And can it be exlained step-by-step?
Here's simple step by step.

Step 1- Use no substrate. Yep it's that easy. Now if you really want, you can use newspaper or paper towels for easy poop clean up, but its just as easy to just wipe up droppings and you don't end up with soaked paper after mistings.
hi,alot of chameleon keepers preffer to keep the floors bare as it is easier to clean and also so the cham cant injest anything into its mouth while bug hunting..i have 2 veilds and i have nothing on the bottom,i find its easier to monitor their fecal matter for signs of hydration or lack of it,its easier to clean and crickets cant hide under anything as well..in my opinion its best to leave the bottom free of anything:)

I also need a list of plants that a chameleon might like, does anyone know about that? My chameleon has all these fake plants in here enclosure and I am not sure what kind of real plants to put in there, she is a veiled. does anyone have a list of plants I could use? She's also just less then a year old. :D:D:D
Idk about cage carpet for chams as when they go to the bottom their sharp claws could get tangled up on the carpet but carpet is a fine choice for beardies and leopard geckos
Get an Umbrella plant aka "Schefflera Aboricola/Capella". I bought one for ten bucks at Walmart and it was three small ones in the same pot. Remove all the soil and seperate the plants so you can rotate them. Use organic soil, cover that with stones (from Home Depot "Mexican Beach" are great as your chameleon wont be able to eat them), and also clean everything with soap and water and rinse it real good and allow to dry for a day or two and rinse it again.
I will probably leave it bare, i have a mesh reptibreeze cage, i am not sure what they used for the bottom its kind of a plastic type stuff. at that ok?
Thanks for the idea citizen snips, i might use hibiscus instead of the unbrella plants. thanks for the help!:)
I just got rid of my hibiscus.. Be careful seeing as it is summer, to clean off the plant VERY well as I have found with hibiscus especially, that aphids can be a huge problem and with mine it got so bad we had a weird fly infestation from the aphids that ended up causing bites all over myself and my fiancé... It was awful :( Try some of the same calcium you use as a duster, in the soil... let it soak into the root system.. I have heard this helps prevent aphids as it helps prevent them from biting into the leaves... I changed to umbrella and Stan loves it... Just MHO
If you keep the bottom of the cage bare how do i keep all the water from the mist off the floor? thanks!
I prefer to have nothing on the bottom. I just wipe waste up with a tissue. If I do have soil because of plants I cover it with large stones so the cham can't get at it:)
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