What do you attach your vines with?


New Member
I was wondering what everyone attaches their vines/plant material to their screen cages with? I was thinking zip ties,any better ideas?
i have live plants and grapevines in the enclosures. I dont use anything to keep the grapevines secured because they curl and pretty much latch themselves, as well if you get pothos or philodendron in there, they are natural climbers and will anchor themselves to the mesh.

That said, I know a few people that cut little holes in the enclosure and feed the end of the vines thru and bend then so they stay. Live plants are best tho, they hold moisture better than plastic
I put 2 dowels in the cage about 6 inches from the top. I used a small screw and some washers on each end and screwed it right thru the screen mesh with a thick rubber washer on each side. I then wrap the fake vines around it. It works great. very stable and no screen rips
indeed, fishing line or thread. just double up the thread if thats what you might use. zip ties would work but youll have to make the holes a little bigger to slide it through than the cage will probably rust over time. fishing line, or something similar all the way:)
i use little thin wires their like my best friend, i use them for everything!, but ive heard that thumb tacks work well to (i think for sticks)
i use little thin wires their like my best friend, i use them for everything!, but ive heard that thumb tacks work well to (i think for sticks)

I would be afraid a thumb tack might come loose and puncture the chameleons body. What if he rubs his body on a loose tack? ... I would rather be safe than sorry personally. There are other alternatives out there that might be better.
I would be afraid a thumb tack might come loose and puncture the chameleons body. What if he rubs his body on a loose tack? ... I would rather be safe than sorry personally. There are other alternatives out there that might be better.

yeha i dont use thumbtacks personally, i use wires, because you can bend them on the outside of the enclosure so there is not risk :)
10-15 pound test fishing line works great on screen and its basically invisible. just make sure you get atleast a double knot or it'll slide and come untied
i used this craft wire for everything that i secured to the outside of my enclosure, it's very strong, and is easy to weave into the screen.
I mostly use plant wire or some really thin electrical-type wire. They are small enough to fit through the screen without breaking it and (assuming you get the coated kind) it doesn't rust.
I would be afraid a thumb tack might come loose and puncture the chameleons body. What if he rubs his body on a loose tack? ... I would rather be safe than sorry personally. There are other alternatives out there that might be better.

If the thumbtack comes loose to the point that the sharp point is exposed, it will just fall to the floor. The diameter of the tack is smaller than the opening of a hole in the screen and therefor has absolutely nothing holding it in place thus, leaving gravity to conquer.
I use velcro & super glue 4 just about anything but of course make sure to remove ur lil buddies before u start gluing the velcro to your vines.
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