Here cage is 16×16×30, lighting is reptib 5.0 uvb 13 w compact fluorcent bulb and a 60 w daylight blue. Her basking spot is 87-89°f lowest temp at bottom is 69-70°f inside cage. On the plant in the pictures temp in direct light is 84 and in 70s everywhere else. She will only be on the plant an hour or so a day. Do you guys think I should add more lighting? Any other suggestions? She seems to enjoy going both to and from cage to plant I sometimes help her along the way or just open her cage and let her make her own way there. Sorry for such a long post I want to do my best for her any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I have another set of the same lighting but when I put it on her cage it was in the high 90's and she stayed in the middle or lower part of the cage so I removed it. Was this a good idea?