What do you want for Christmas?

Vegas Chad

Avid Member
Well as Christmas day draws close the question of “What do you want for Christmas?” comes up time and time again… So I pose the question to you all of my chameleon keeping friends. What do you want for Christmas? It doesn’t have to be a list of only chameleon items.
I want... Another Cham! I Carpet or another Panther with EVERYTHING.:D I'd be happy with more plants and foliage for Hughs cage also.
The usual:

6 4ft uvb lights.
Chameleons of Africa book.
Blind skateboards.
Osiris shoes.
Arsis hoodie.
Anata t shirt.

Biggest part is to see family and friends I dont get to see very often:)
A little saltwater fishtank!

I have a feeling that my boyfriend is getting me one. He keeps asking leading questions like "How big of a tank do you think would fit in your apartment?" and "If you got a tank, would you need a stand?" and "Would you rather have freshwater or saltwater?"

He's not so sneaky, :p
All I want for Christmas is a Canon EOS Rebel T2i 18 MP Digital SLR Camera. Thats it, nothing special;)

OH!! Edit; And a macro lens to go with the camera!
Not for sure which one but one of these

1 female Amabaja
trio of pymgy
Pair of Sailfins(Montium)

I am kind or leaning Towards The Female Panther but if i can find the Montiums for the right price I will jump at them.:D
All I want for Christmas is a Canon EOS Rebel T2i 18 MP Digital SLR Camera. Thats it, nothing special;)

OH!! Edit; And a macro lens to go with the camera!

I just got my christmas present early and its a sony a55 dslr and i just got my 100mm macro lens yesterday, I cant wait to start taking pictures!!! I hope you get your camera!!
If I wanted a chameleon, I would want a verrucosus. As the two I have are really sufficient chamerage for me, I want the same stuff I always ask for: things to read, things to knit, cheese and tea. (Eclectic yet predictable.)
Just some video games and a place to put my systems. I have an Amazon wishlist, but it's more or less things I'd like to save up for myself.
Well if Santa's looking:
1. 4 Screen cages 2. 4 Double fixtures 3. Vines 4. Mist King 5. Source for captive bred grasshoppers so I would have a source during winter
might as well go on, even though i never talk about what i want for christmas as i really no longer celebrate the holiday.

new camera SLR canon of some sort.
50x20x20 foot green house.
lots of new green ficus benjamina and or schefflera/ ornimental fig trees.
chameleon book *the 160 buck one*
new queen/king size pillow top matress.
30" mac screen *over priced*.
my debt paid off *8k dollars*
classic marvel comics , mainly spiderman.
I want:confused:
1. Male panther Nosy Farly
2. Unrealated female to match;)
3. Mist king
4. Bigger home for Jeffory (blue tounge skink)
5. Good flat iron (for my hair)
6. And FREE at&t cell phone service

I think that does it:)
Although another chameleon would be nice, My greatest wish is for the return of good health to my friends and family members who have not been so lucky this year. That would make my Christmas.
I would love Chuck to change his avatar, but not to another creepy puppet thing. Something nice. I will wish for this every birthday and Christmas until it happens.

I would also like one of those Flip video thingies, which I'm pretty sure my husband will get for me (I'm so spoiled!). It would come in handy for all the dog training I do.
I would love Chuck to change his avatar, but not to another creepy puppet thing. Something nice. I will wish for this every birthday and Christmas until it happens.

I would also like one of those Flip video thingies, which I'm pretty sure my husband will get for me (I'm so spoiled!). It would come in handy for all the dog training I do.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thats so funny about Chuck...

The Flip's are super nice!!! Get the new HD one, they are like $100 and totally worth it.
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