What does your username refer to?

I was babysitting a chameleon for my neighbors. Upon some research I found out it was very sick, and (surprise surprise) the pet store gave the wrong advice to the poor child.

You can read the thread here, it actually has a pretty good outcome despite the bad start.

Don't forget to check out ChamEO. Her recovery would have never been possible without Elisa. Elisa's operation is amazing and it should really be publicized more. You can also see the chameleon's recovery there. Quite a difference now.
5 yrs or so ago... I bought my first chameleon. A veiled... Always wanted a panther chameleon.. I was playing this video game called counterstrike and had to make up a screen name. So I was thinking chameleons and decided to add the two together. PantherVeileD was my SN. I thought of VeiledPanther but I like pantherveiled much better.
As you may be able to guess I am VERY creative, Laurie is my name. I usually use maxmom because Max, a german giant bearded dragon, was my first reptile. That said don't ask why Laurie on this forum because I have no idea......
Betty was the female Veiled I had that passed and remembered the song Black Betty and thought it was a good mix between cham and music.
Betty was the female Veiled I had that passed and remembered the song Black Betty and thought it was a good mix between cham and music.

Woah Black betty, bam ba lam, woah black betty, bam ba lam, black betty had a child, bam ba lam, the damn thing gone wild... WOAH black betty..

My name is just NewOwner, because i thought i was gonna be on this forum for like 1 question, not get addicted to it :rolleyes:;)

In the same creative vein as laurie, hallenhe is the username Michigan State assigned to me, and I just generally use it as a screen name. If I had been thinking, I would have done something more relevant, like ScalyTaily (one of my nicknames for lizards in general).
Hmm, I think mine might just explain itself. I just got my first cham about a month ago. I really wanted the "c" and the "n" to be capitalized but noticed it to late.
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Mine is a play on the words "The Fishy", it was something I thought up years ago as a nickname for my fish. I like finding random words, twisting them a little to change the sounds. I like sounds, and DeFishy is appealing to me.
As you may be able to guess I am VERY creative, Laurie is my name. I usually use maxmom because Max, a german giant bearded dragon, was my first reptile. That said don't ask why Laurie on this forum because I have no idea......

Like wise Laurie, am not very imaginative... Lol..... tis my name!!:D:D:D
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