What does your username refer to?

I like cats alot (before chameleons :p ), so the username just stuck with me since. I should change it to Cammie. =]
I'm half chameleon. Cham + Elisa Someone once told me I'm touchy like one. Get in my space and I start displaying threatening colors. He was just a coward, that's all. Don't be scared, I am really a nice lady. :D
Woah Black betty, bam ba lam, woah black betty, bam ba lam, black betty had a child, bam ba lam, the damn thing gone wild... WOAH black betty..

My name is just NewOwner, because i thought i was gonna be on this forum for like 1 question, not get addicted to it :rolleyes:;)


HAHAHA nice E-solo Levi!!:cool:

My name is just my name like Levi I didnt think it was gonna be so addicting!! All my friends call this Chameleonspace!!! hahah like myspace:D
Well, I decided to not use my old screename. I rarely get the chance to talk about chameleons in person, and I rarely meet people from the internet in real life, so I figured I'd simply go as me. You send me an email, or pm, and it's to ME - not my screenname, etc.

My old screename, which has been around the internet for a long time (relativly speaking) is my email address: pluto77189

I got that when I was on AOL, in HS. In football camp my sophomore year, I was daydreaming while in line for some lineman drill, and my coach Jim called out my name a few times, and said something about my mind "being off on Pluto..."

I started hearing people calling me Pluto that night. It stuck. The only people that called me Eric were the girls, and I was shy, so I never talked to them anyway...

So, whe signing up for aol, I went with Pluto77 (my jersey # was 77). Of course, that was already taken, so I just threw in the additional numbers until I found one that was available.

Switched to yahoo, and carried it over.

I'm pretty sure my old old kingsnake posts were under the pluto77189 screename.
As well as my posts on various gun websites and such...

Funny thing is because I post under my name, all the adrignolas in the world (most in Italy)find this chameleon-crap when they're googling their own family name - hehe. Wonder what goes through their mind.
I'm a hot headed Italian:rolleyes:... Grand mothers maiden name...Capone. I talk with my hands. I am a lover, not a fighter...but also a fighter, so don't get any ideas....:cool:

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