What fruits and veggies are safe for female veiled?


There has been a huge shortage of bugs, and I'm scared that Alphys will starve..I held off feeding her things other than bugs because I wasn't sure what was safe for her to eat. I currently have bananas, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cucumber, and apples. Are these safe?
Also, how do I feed her these?

Thanks so much in advance!
I'm pretty sure apples and carrots are perfectly safe, I would put them in a cup/dish cut into small bite sized chameleon pieces, you can also use leafy greens like collards and mustard greens, I've had chameleons that love them, you could just put the whole leaf in there and the chameleon will take bites out of it but you do run the risk of choking if your cham bites off too big of a piece, I recommend cutting the greens into the smaller pieces as well!

Also, I'm just curious, what do you mean by a shortage of bugs?
Where do you live? I might can help you find bugs. Along with insects veileds love fruits and veggies. Offer her all kinds of greens such as turnip, mustard, kale, collard, dandelion and endive. They also like fruit but fruit is fattening so only a couple times a week. My guys love strawberry, banana, Apple, raspberries and blueberries. They also like mellow such as watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew.
Where do you live? I might can help you find bugs. Along with insects veileds love fruits and veggies. Offer her all kinds of greens such as turnip, mustard, kale, collard, dandelion and endive. They also like fruit but fruit is fattening so only a couple times a week. My guys love strawberry, banana, Apple, raspberries and blueberries. They also like mellow such as watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew.
I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
So Bananas are safe! I'll give her some right now.
I'm pretty sure apples and carrots are perfectly safe, I would put them in a cup/dish cut into small bite sized chameleon pieces, you can also use leafy greens like collards and mustard greens, I've had chameleons that love them, you could just put the whole leaf in there and the chameleon will take bites out of it but you do run the risk of choking if your cham bites off too big of a piece, I recommend cutting the greens into the smaller pieces as well!

Also, I'm just curious, what do you mean by a shortage of bugs?

I usually hunt for bugs myself. They stopped appearing at the spot I hunt in for a few days and I have no idea why..
Your veiled can eat thin slices of apple, pear, melon, berries, dandelion greens, collards, endive, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini,
Go easy on spinach and cabbage family items and lettuces. I don't use tomato, orange...my own choice.
I hand feed but you could bowl feed or hang from a branch or vine in her enclosure.
I'm hand feeding her at the moment.
As for hanging it off a vine, how do I do that? I thought of using a thing string but what if she chokes on it or something?
Quick update: A chameleon owner (not on this website) told me he/she feeds their chams some boiled egg whites (they're also feeding them hornworms and other varieties so that's not the only thing they're eating).

Are boiled egg whites safe?
Seems like eggs would be too much animal protein unless you are treating a particularly weak animal.
I will let the vets chim in.
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