what fruits/vegetables do you feed your veiled?


Is there anything to avoid? I want to start offering my veiled some veggies cause he constantly eats my ivy. Just want to know what the best options are or what other chams seem to like. Thanks everybody!
Is there anything to avoid? I want to start offering my veiled some veggies cause he constantly eats my ivy. Just want to know what the best options are or what other chams seem to like. Thanks everybody!

Bell peppers, strawberries, bananas, collard greens,
Your cham can eat the same fruits and veggies that's safe to feed their feeders. My guys like collard greens, kale, apple, banana, strawberry and grapes.
Dandelion greens, collards, endive, escarole, carrot slivers, slivers of squash, zucchini, sweet red pepper, kale and a small amount of fruit (pears, apple, berries, melon, etc.) are all fine to feed it.
The favorite of my guys is kale. I think they would walk across the room to fine kale and eat it. Merlin the Magnificent will stuff himself with it! He has eaten it ever since we have introduced him to it a couple years ago. He really isn't interested in anything else, but whatever..... I'll feed him what he'll eat.
When do they start eating things besides crickets/worms? I have a juvenile (2 month) veiled, and cant imagine him eating fruits or veggies. Do i just put it in a dish at the bottom?

Ty the input btw

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Jim, i noticed my veiled started eating a lot of ivy when he was about 3 months old. I thought it was cause he was dehydrated, but I guess some chams just like plants/veggies. I just started offering him mustard greens and he went right for them. You might put some in his cage with a veggie clip used for aquariums where he can reach it and see what he does.
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