What in the living heck!?

that was the most horrible thing ive ever seen :( its almost like the cham doesnt want its tongue anymore. I think something may have stung it and the cham has lost feeling in its tongue maybe? ive never seen a tongue just almost "drool" out of a chameleons mouth.
Well, this video was posted almost a year ago. I really wish posts like these came with descriptions so people who didn't want to see something like that didn't have to see it. :(

i addressed that earlier in the post syn, i was just so :eek: that i posted without stating too too much. if you have seen every other video that i have posted in graffic or disturbing nature, i have ALWAYS warned, i have just seen nothing like this before and was just rushing to show you guys to see if anybody knew what was going on with him.
:eek:watching this video makes me think hes either choking or theres sumthing stuck in its pouch where the tongue is stored. reason i think this is the way the chameleon was rocking side to side, my veild did this once about a year ago ( thankfully i was there to see it) he was choking on a locust and was rocking side to side with his head pointing downwards like the 1 in the video like i sed thankfully i was there and helped him get it out.
i addressed that earlier in the post syn, i was just so :eek: that i posted without stating too too much. if you have seen every other video that i have posted in graffic or disturbing nature, i have ALWAYS warned, i have just seen nothing like this before and was just rushing to show you guys to see if anybody knew what was going on with him.
It was not in the post you made with the link to it, it was two posts down. I am just saying it'd be nice to see a warning before seeing the link. :(

No need to rush, any who, it's over a year old... :(
I don't know for you Syn, but with the title i didn't expect to see something cute... To me, "what the heck" means something shocking, surprising and maybe slightly disturbing. However, i may be missing something as i am French and not completely fluent in English! :)
When fuego was sick when my husband brought her home,
it was at its worst,
she did the exact same thing, minus the tongue hanging out,
but the movement back and forth and mouth open,
the crazy spastic movements,
all the same.
She was choking on her throw up.

Its a very disturbing thing to watch,
thats the day I thought she was going to die :(
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